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May 16, 2007



It is just beautiful! I love it!

Conni Lu

The quilt is lovely. I just love April Cornell fabrics. If I started a Christmas quilt now, it MIGHT be ready by Christmas - of 2008 that is! Why does it take me so doggone long to finish anything these days? Arrggh!


Nicole, this quilt is striking! I made its cousin earlier -- -- and it is still one of my favorites.

PS: You inspired me to tackle the closets big time and as of now there are two great big trashbags ready to take to the next rummage sale!

Your blog continues to be one of my daily reads.

Lisa D.

I think it turned out great, Nicole. I love the busy-ness. Too bad you didn't take a picture with the low contrast blocks - it would have been fun to see both versions. But I'm sure you made the right choice - you have a great eye!


It's beautiful.


Why not just lay a couple of low contrast blocks here and there and see, but I like the contrast. Very pretty!

Susan Ramey Cleveland

I like busy quilts. Gives you lots to look at, and they look more old-fashioned and spontaneous. I think it's really pretty. Love the fabrics.

Carole Meier

Your Christmas quilt looks lovely! I just love holiday fabrics. I never seem to know what to do with my collection. It certainly looks like a good pattern to use them on. Thanks for sharing!

Leigh Gibson

I love your quilt and don't think its overly busy for a Christmas quilt. I checked out the original and like yours heaps more.


I think it's beautiful!

I wouldn't call being in a rut with Miss Rosie's quilt patterns. Her patterns are beautiful. I love scrappy quilts!

Vivian Love

This quilt is just beautiful! The pattern is beautiful and the fabrics are gorgeous. I love it!


What a beautiful piece of artwork! A Christmas~cozy quilt for certain!


OK, that is SUPER GORGEOUS! Love your fabric combos.

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