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January 11, 2008



I just exchange pictures of the state of the cutting table with another blogging friend recently. Oh what a mess!

Cute game!

Lisa D.

Does it count if I purposely place items on my cutting table to simulate mess? Mine isn't TOO bad, because I can't work if it is, but I did think of a few amusing things that are currently on my work table that have absolutely NOTHING to do with sewing. I will take a picture this weekend to share.


Not fair! This morning, my table was a mess, as was the ironing board sitting beside the table. I had to clean it up RIGHT BEFORE I read your blog! Bummer, I probably would have won! LOL


Your mess is kid stuff. I'll work on a photo in the next couple of days. Its too dark in my sewing room right now. I'll try to whittle it down to 15 things.


Just my luck, we play who is the messiest the week after I clan my sewing room.


Just my luck, we play who is the messiest the week after I clan my sewing room.


Just my luck, we play who is the messiest the week after I clan my sewing room.


And I'm pretty sure I see "Jellystone" hanging on the wall in the background!!!

Miss Rosie Fans Love, *karendianne.


You have to be kidding! I will try to get one this weekend. Right now it is fairly straight because I was putting one thing away and getting ready for another, so it is "in between", so to speak. However, just for you I will take a picture tomorrow. If I can post one from a month ago, I will win for sure, lol.

Cindy D

OMG I have this won hands down for the messiest sewing table. I will definitely take pictures tommorow when it is light out.


Honey, that's no mess. Just wait!! LOL!!!

Account Deleted

I think my mess is very well organised ... check it out... my floor is anothe matter, there seems to be piles of fabric everywhere !


That isn't a mess. That's creativity at work. =)

Jane Weston

They say that the messier the desk/table the smarter the I think you must be pretty smart!

BTW you won on my giveaway!! Congrats!

Jane B

Oh yeah, this is just the thing I need to make me take notice of my mess. Display it on the internet! Posted a photo and a link here. Plus I added a set on Flicker that gives you the whole story. It's not pretty!


I have posted a photo on my blog, Scrap Happy Quilter. What a fun game!!!!


Oh dear - just cleaned up my cutting space this morning. Give me a day or two and it will be plenty messy to play.


No matter how hard I try to clean up as I go when working on a project - it NEVER works. My table is always a mess. Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone in that boat.
Hugs - karen

Mary L

What a great idea! I'll play along! I will take a pic of mine and post back!

Mary L

What a great idea! I'll play along! I will take a pic of mine and post back!


Looks pretty good to me!! Like you just straightened it up!!




It doesn't look too bad to me, Nicole. I especially love the organization on the wall - I need to get one of those, too! Thank you for the great idea! I try not to think of it as "messy", but "creativity" - it has a much nicer ring to it, don't you think?
I'm hoping for a photo of Ozzie one of these days, too - I miss not seeing him!


Your mess looks very organised Nicole. My room is only tidy at the moment because everything is stashed all over the house while it is remodeled. Fun game!


Pfttt - that is nothing! I"ll have to get a photo of mine and I can die of embarrasment!


I looked at my cutting table and it has only a mat on it. i have spent so much time cleaning that I cleared the clutter off of this surface.

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