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« Her Name Is Sophie | Main | New Gizmo »

August 26, 2008


Lisa D.

Aw - she's definitely a girl! She wants to enjoy the getting dressed/making up process and not destroy it like her big brother!

Susan Ramey Cleveland

It's hard to tell who is who--but I think that's Sophie on the right--right? Miss Sophie Belle Patterpaw is tickled that the new girl has her name. I'm glad Ozzie and Sophie are getting along.


She is darling!


The pictures of the two of them are just too cute. Its hard to tell them apart, isn't it?


She's adorable! Maybe she'll teach Ozzie some manners and fashion sense LOL!


I'm thinking that is just too much cuteness for one household!! What a pair of cuties. I hope your job is going well. I'm sure missing your Friday finishes. I should pick up the gauntlet but have been quite unmotivated here. I need to get my act together and back at the sewing machine.


Congratulations on the new addition to the family! Sophie and Ozzie are so cute together.


Having 2 dogs is a great idea. We've had 2 dogs for years until recently and I think it helped us survive the puppy phases. Maybe Sophie will tire Ozzie out enough to keep him out of trouble.


so glad it's going well. i'm sure they'll be inseparable friends.


Hello! I just dropped by to tell you I have posted my 2 color quilt challenge. BUT it turned into a 3 color instead. I had good intentions, but I forgot that cream was an actual color. (I am over 50!)I will be watching for more fun challenges from you... Thanks.

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