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January 17, 2009


Christine Thomas

Poor little thing...she does look really sad. Hopefully she won't have a vengeful spirit and bit Ozzie back. She is a lady after all and will do the big-girl thing. How long does she need to wear the E-collar? Hope she heals very quickly.


Bless her heart...look at those two sweet, innocent could they ever get into a scrape???LOL! Hope she's better real quick!


I hope Sophie feels better soon. I love your dog stories--I cracked up over your "favorite games" post. Oh, and wanted to say I really loved your Spice Cake quilt; I'm ordering that pattern!

Susan Ramey Cleveland

Poor Sophie. Bad dog, Ozzie! Bad dog! Now you two play nice.

Miss Jean

Poor Baby!!!


Awww, poor thing. She'll be back to normal in no time!


You have more adventures at your place than most of the people I know...I always learn something new over here! I hope you are printing all these doggie stories off and keeping them in a scrapbook...too much fun. Get well soon, Sophie!


Poor Mrs. Sophie! Hope she feels better soon! But you know that a girl has gotta look good!

Luckily they have you to play referee.....

Bernadette B

Poor Sophie! I love that quilt in the background is there another photo of it on your blog?


Poor baby. Trying to keep a dog in an 'Elizabethan' collar is a pain in the ... well, let's just say not the neck. I've had my furry kids in them a couple of times a it no fun for anyone involved. I do hope Shophie is feeling better soon and that Ozzie will just be pationt whis she recouperates. In the mean time, maybe Ozzie should watch a little less 'Mike Tyson'...just a thought. But I truly do hope that Sophie heals quickly and things can get back to normal.


ahh shucks. Bless her little heart. Sorry to hear that my friend. Here's to rapid healing.


Oh dear, poor little Sophie. Hope she recovers quickly! Our dogs used to get in awful scraps (and still bicker occasionally). I think they went through a period where they were trying to establish who was the boss. They mostly get along now that they've sorted out that question.
Ozzie probably feels just terrible for what he did to his little friend.

Elaine S.

Poor baby. I just found your blog and was drawn in when I saw your dogs. I have a 13 year old Welsh Terrier, who has given us a lot of love, but Terrier through and through. Love your work.

Elaine S.


Oh poor little Sophie. Maybe if it happens again, you could just buy her earrings *s*

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