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July 13, 2009



You've obviously taught him well!


Wow! What a good hubby! Thanks for the link to Fat Cat Quilts - Allyson had a great first blog! I'll add her to my list. One thing I'm enjoying so much about blogs is reading about people who live all over the world - from my little corner in Southern Louisiana!

Nancy, Near Philadelphia

Keep him. For sure.

Karen Beigh

Maybe your husband can go into the party business. He certainly did a good job! Even down to the decorating.


I agree with you - the table looks great! Isn't it such a nice treat when they clean, especially when they clean things we don't ever touch?

Mary on Lake Pulaski

A hard working woman with two jobs got just what she deserved! Gland you could relax and enjoy.


Do you loan him out? I'm having the girls over in October and I need some help.......


Wow What a lucky girl you are to have that kind of husband... Would you agree to clone him? Ha haa

Live a Colorful Life

What a great guy.

You commented on my blog ( the parade of quilts. I was looking for your email to say thanks but can't find it. Anyway, love your blog. I'm adding it to my blogroll.

And I'm in Fresno and notice you are in Monterey area (lucky you....), so we're practically neighbors!


Nicole, I love it! That's a great table setting and he gets "Man of the Year" for sure. Thank you for sharing this snippit of your life.

Look forward to visiting Allyson in Alaska. *karendianne.


Nicole, thank you for commenting on my blog
I've read down a ways and am astounded by your quilts! I hope to do as well someday soon. I hope you don't mind, I've bookmarked your blog and will be checking it out quite often!

Carol Lewis

That's awesome! I love the little flower tea lites on the table, very cute. What a great husband you have there.


Wow, I'm impressed. Sorry to say Nicole, but he certainly out did your dinner of eggplant...whatever it was!!
Carol, NE


Nice of your hubby to do all of that! I'm not so sure that mine could pull it off with as much style. ;)

Nanna mary

He is the perfect husband you need to hang on to him But you could hire him out from time to time he he.
Hugs Mary.

Susan Ramey Cleveland

Vann could grill the steaks--and do a great job at that. But I'm afraid when it comes to mopping and cleaning and washing windows and creating centerpieces, he'd be lost. I too love the centerpiece.


My DH is a great housecleaner and cook and party host, but decorating, not so much! It sounds like your DH has been a keeper from way back. Lucky you!

Furniture Stores

Love the little flower candle holders. They're adorable!


How very lovely and special was the dinner party your husband arranged...his decorations for the centerpiece were just looks like a party, doesn't it?? Kudos to him! And to you for being the kind of person a husband would want to go to all that work for! A fine match!

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