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July 09, 2009



Send Sophie east because I have about a million chipmunks in my yard. My cats just sit and watch them-they are useless. I've beem making that fruit pizza for years and it's always a big hit.


When that first picture popped up I thought, "those dogs get to eat off of really nice plates"...whoops...I give you credit for trying something new. Our house has one eggplant recipe, eggplant's probably against the law in California to take organic eggplant, fry it, and cover it with marinara and cheese.

Thanks so much for the puppy update, I just love those dogs!


yep interesting looking supper! I am ever so thankful that my oldest daughter loves to cook and is very good at it. She's been cooking alot of Indian dishes lately that are so yummy and beautiful looking. I love to come home from work to the smell of supper cooking, no cooking means a little nap, supper and then I can get to work in my studio.
She's getting married soon though and moving to Texas...I'm going to miss her so much and what on earth will I eat?
I'm glad that Ozzie and Sophie are getting along better too.


awww, so glad to hear that the pups are behaving and that you can enjoy your life once again :-)


Thanks for the Ozzie and Sophie update. I am so glad things are going much better.

I loved all your quilts from your last post. You are such an inspiration.

Lisa D.

Ah, Nicole? My friend? Your dinner looks like a BRAIN. Ewww.... Must.Look.Away. Tell Ozzie he looks very handsome and all the fuss at the groomers was well worth it!

Tricia T.

Too funny!!!! My first thought was that Ozzie or Sophie threw up on your plate.... Seriously!! :-) I loved your catchy name for it though. I'll bet everyone will be excited next time they see "Eggplant Slop" on the menu. Oh dear, I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying. TFS!!! :-)


You know it's bad when the dog isn't interested! I'd have eaten it. It looks like it has fat grams in it! Cream sauce?

Lizzie Swinney

Ah, Nicole, you always delight me first thing in the morning. Have a great day and enjoy your wonderful life!

Kristi Archer

I have worked with a dog groomer and Ozzie is not the only one who has to wear that special cap. So just hang in there and he will just have to get use to it. I enjoy the things you share on your blog. Thanks for starting my day off with a laugh. Kristi


LOL, snort, bellylaugh!!!

I love your picture of your eggplant meal! OHMYGOSH!!! You had me rolling! I couldn't figure out WHAT your picture was when I started reading your post, then I really lost it when I read on!

Thanks so much for the all-out-belly laugh!

I need to call and get an appointment for Gracie to go to the groomer. She doesn't like going, but the last time she went the groomer told me she got a tail wag or two out of her.

Our furry kids bring so much fun into our lives, don't they? Even when they are being a bit on the bratty side they make us laugh most of the time.

Have a great day. I'm on my way to your sister's blog to get the recipe for that wonderful-looking fruit pizza recipe.


Susan Ramey Cleveland

Eggplant dish sounds yummy, looks disgusting. One of those eat-it-with-your-eyes-closed things. Thanks for the doggie stories. I read them to Vann, who giggled.


well now ... that is quite ... brown ... innit?

i was hoping that it was a piece of really gooey german chocolate cake with coconut frosting ... but - it is eggplant ...... really?!?

maybe a sprig of parsley would help because you are right about it being pret-tee ugly ... but, hey, a lot of really good things to eat look like they already have been ...... eaten, that is


as for groomers and bad-mannered dogs - Ebony's groomer told me that she bites her on the nose if Ebony gets snarly with her ... she said that's what mother dogs do to their pups and that it brings a dog right in line ... i dunno - i don't think i'd be putting my face anywhere near a pissy dog's teeth ... but Ebony's nose is none the worse for wear


Looking at that sweet Ozzie I find it very hard to believe that he is such a wild man for the groomer...LOL!


Hmmm....maybe Ozzie and Sophie would have been a little more interested if the eggplant had some wide pasta mixed in - or completely covering the top - LOL? About the only time I've ever gotten eggplant to look good is in Eggplant Parmigiana - and even then it's covered in breadcrumbs and sauce!! I'm glad it at least tasted good!!


Love to read your blog.....wanted to let you know that I lost my Welsh Terrier, Bear, on Father's Day. He was 13 1/2 and knew it could be any time, but it was still hard. And it makes me miss him seeing pictures of your 2. Glad they are getting along better. A lot of that is because you all know the signs and how to divert it. Good job!


I laughed so hard I nearly peed myself! Great post - all of it! I don't comment much but I just love your blog and your pictures.


This has been my best laugh today (so far)....and reading the comments was key! :) Good for you to share a plate of crap with the rest of us blog lurkers. Oh...and don't feel bad....your family ate it...mine would have looked for the closest dog and "shared" ever so graciously. I am still chuckling....thank you for giving us some "real life". :)

Nanna mary

AH Nicole you dont worry what it looks like it's what it taste that matters.I love the dogs they are so cute its good that they have settled down A bit.
Hugs Mary.

Deitra Mixer

The last time I made eggplant, my hubby said, "Uh...babe...I hate to be this...worms?" Ha ha ha!


Yeah, I can see that its not all glamour over there. But don't you love the Monterey Farmer's market? I go sometimes with Frankie. Then we have a coffee at the Paris Bakery which I also love.

What else I love, those dog photos. Love the backyard one!

Teresa are right, I saw that picture before I read your post and thought - Oh my GOSH - what is that!!! The ingredients sound good though. I visited Andrea's blog and grabbed the recipe - gonna have to try that on and take it to quilt club tomorrow.


Ha! Very cute. Love the puppies.


It's a dog's life!!!

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