Now this seemed like a really good idea at the time. A home waxing kit. You can save hundreds of dollars over time by doing your own waxing. Got a fuzzy chin? Zip it off in the privacy of your own home. Got a little mustache going on? Take care of it yourself and save the $15 bucks you would pay at a salon. Need to wear a bathing suit on your vacation? Think you look a bit furry, and it isn't the look you are going for? Save yourself the embarrassment of having a stranger dealing with your hairy nether regions. Buy your own Home Waxing Kit!!!
Oh man.
First of all, it takes about 4 hours for the wax to melt and get to the right temperature. Second, that stuff is darn tricky to work with. If you aren't careful, that wax gets onto all sorts of things you would rather it didn't.
I tried the lip and chin area first. I used a teensy little Popsicle stick and managed not to burn myself with the wax, and got those pesky hairs right off in a quick flip of the wrist. Easy peasy, Bob's your uncle, I can do this! Pleased with my success, I decided to move on to shall we say, trickier areas.
Friends, I may have done myself permanent damage. The bikini area is delicate. Delicate. And I am only talking about the upper part of my inner thigh. I don't know what I did wrong, but I bruised the dickens out of myself. BIg purple spotty bruises that popped up instantly. I must not have been holding my flabby thigh skin down firmly enough or something. Owie, owie, owie, owie, owie.
Mercy. I won't be trying to wax that area on my own again. Oooh, man that hurt. I would show you a picture, but this is a family friendly blog.
Some things just should be left to the professionals.
I am just so thankful I didn't try to wax the area around my eyebrows. Can you imagine? Oh dear.
OK - I know I shouldn't laugh ... this is so totally NOT funny. But.... Well, look at it this way. You took a 'hit' for the team. Think of all the quilting sisters out there that you saved!!!!! Geesh, hubby is going to think you should not be left home alone.... Can't wait to see your next quilting project....
Posted by: Covered Porches | September 25, 2009 at 05:09 AM
Thanks for the big laugh this morning you remember the Epilady? I did permanent damage to myself and my sister with that thing!
Posted by: ranette | September 25, 2009 at 05:10 AM
Bruised nether regions, what a great look. :o)
Posted by: Maria Stahl | September 25, 2009 at 05:11 AM
LOL - I know I shouldn't laugh either...but as the two before me did, I reckon I'm in good company. I hope you heal up soon...just out of curiosity, have you tried googling it? There may be some special technique or flick of the wrist or something.
Posted by: Jane Weston | September 25, 2009 at 05:24 AM
You are TOO FUNNY! I hope you are alright...
Posted by: cockermom | September 25, 2009 at 05:34 AM
Oh, that is my laugh of the day - maybe the week! Sorry you got bruised down under!
Posted by: Penny | September 25, 2009 at 05:34 AM
Oh dear. $15 I wish. I pay $20 for eyebrows plus $10 for the upper lip. She uses something called a wax pen. The other part I shave using biniki zone gel. No wax is that part seeing wax.
Hope you heal soon.
Posted by: sandy | September 25, 2009 at 05:42 AM
I wax my lip, chin, side burns (which no woman should ever have to do... but I digress), and eyebrows. That way you have saved enough to splurge on the nether region (which I've never tried) and the underarms... which I have to say is my favourite thing to wax... not painful and soooo nice!
I've also waxed my arms by accident... I dropped wax and didn't want to look weird when I fixed my problem. But, I loved it!
I would recommend getting a waxing kit through a professional... it takes only a few mins to warm up and there's instructional videos with it!! Which were helpful
Posted by: Mandy | September 25, 2009 at 06:33 AM
Yikes! You are brave. I've switched from having my facial hair removed by waxing to threading. The threading is less expensive $12 for brows and lip. And it doesn't leave those red bumps on my upper lip area.
Posted by: Anita | September 25, 2009 at 06:44 AM
OMG - too funny! sorry 'bout that.
Maybe you and Sophie being on your own isn't such a good idea ...
Posted by: DebS in CA | September 25, 2009 at 07:04 AM
The things I learn over here...each day when I tune in, I am never sure what I am going to learn, but I know it will always be SOMETHING! LOL. Duly noted!
Posted by: Kayte | September 25, 2009 at 08:03 AM
I get to laugh because I waxed last night. I messed up my one eyebrow to the point I'm having to color in with a brow pencil. And my chinie chin chin? I took off a layer skin. I look like I'm coming down with a case of leprosy. Ick.
Neosoparin (or generic) with pain killer is great for fixing oops a little faster than they would heal on their own.
The shame of it, all of this happened because I was over confident. I've been home waxing for a few months now and the last time I had done a wonderful job.
Posted by: Missy Ann | September 25, 2009 at 08:24 AM
What is it with all this unwanted hair stuff???? Seems like you can't get it to grow where you need it (your head) and it seems to flourish everywhere you dob't want it!!! Seems like somebody should be able to figure this out. We can put a man on the moon but can't seem to get a grip on this growing problem (no pun intended)!! Go figure.
Posted by: Sandy | September 25, 2009 at 08:35 AM
I am sorry to say that your pain has made me laugh this morning... really, I am sorry that you have endured this suffering all in hopes of getting a grip on "landscaping issues". It's ruff being a girl!
Posted by: Sinta Renee | September 25, 2009 at 09:04 AM
Sorry to laugh, Nicole, but you make my day! That $15 isn't so bad now, is it?
Posted by: Elaine | September 25, 2009 at 09:28 AM
Could the problem possibly be the glass of wine I see in that picture?
Posted by: Chris@catsonmyquilts | September 25, 2009 at 10:09 AM
hahaha. I bought the "new and improved" hair removal I use, now it's in a spray can. I tried to do the upper leg area and ended up with a brazilian! But no bruising. ;-)
Posted by: Sharon | September 25, 2009 at 12:33 PM
OMG Nicole, I'm so sorry but I too laughed until I had tears rolling. I KNOW it isn't funny, but...well, the way you tell it, yes it is!!! I am truly sorry that you got all bruised up though, broke some of those tiny little delicate blood vessels somehow. OH...OUCH. Now, I was over the laughter and feeling really sympathetic until I read Chris's comment about the glass of wine and I was off into hysterics again. Thanks to both of you for a good healthy laugh, it is the best medicine you know. But please do be careful what new adventures you try. Maybe a new quilting project would be safer eh???
Posted by: Nancy | September 25, 2009 at 12:37 PM
So needless to say we can now understand why people pay others to do that area for them. Ouch, just crossing my legs thinking about it.
Posted by: Deb | September 25, 2009 at 06:22 PM
Nicole, Do things you do best like quilt and leave the rest to professionals. Besides eyebrows and the girl areas are pretty delicate. Sometimes we spend dollars to save pennies.
Posted by: Ladybug | September 25, 2009 at 08:07 PM
OH Nicole you do make me laugh but you need to be carefull with those kind of things they can damage your skin.Just go to the salon and miss out on A cup of coffee at the coffee shop to pay for it.LOL.
Hugs Mary.
Posted by: Nanna mary | September 25, 2009 at 09:13 PM
Watch out, Sophie & Ozzie. The woman is armed and dangerous.
Posted by: Susan Ramey Cleveland | September 25, 2009 at 09:48 PM
OH my....that does sound painful. Reading through your recent posts I see where things have improved for you. I hope all continues to be good!
Posted by: Teresa | September 26, 2009 at 03:00 AM
I really shouldn't laugh, but I did chuckle a bit. Sister, I feel your pain. OWIE! This is why we have friends out in blogland. When we do silly things, we share and keep each other out of trouble and a mess of hurt. Hope your brusing heals soon with no residual effects. :o/
Posted by: Suzy | September 26, 2009 at 06:47 AM
Nicole, I was wondering as a few others mentioned, if the wine was before or after your little experiment. I've never tried this, but after reading your tale, I probably never will. I guess I will continue in the old fashion way with tweezers and razors when the need arises. After you reach a certain age these things are not near as important! Glad you are not permanently damaged.
Posted by: Darlene S | September 26, 2009 at 11:05 AM