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November 18, 2009



Yesterday, when I was auditioning my inner border to separate my santas from the snowballs ( I seriously cleaned that phrase up for the benefit of your readers) I considered black!! It does look great, but doesn't say "Christmas".....your's will look great. I LOVE the border fabric!

I'm still undecided on mine.....


That border fabric looks great! I haven't gotten far enough along to think about a border - although I've already bought some wool batting. I also ordered some of the new Anna Maria Horner flannel for the back.


Grrrreat fabric. I love that fabric. Totally! Hard not to buy it. You know Nicole, I have a lot of shoes that I'm having a hard time letting go of. Has more to do with MS. I used to be able to wear these "hot shoes" and now I can't. More emotional for me I guess. Seems selfish now that you share this.


Love Sophie! That is too cute.That border fabric if fab you are right. Here we have a coats for kids campaign that also does boots, hats, mitts, etc for children here who would otherwise do without, which in Canada in December/January would be very unfortunate indeed. It's awesome that you are promoting a great cause!

Susan Ramey Cleveland

God bless you, Nicole, for organizing the shoe drive. What a wonderful thing to think that your efforts will combine with others to help "the least."
I love your border fabric. And, Sophie girl, keep up the good work.

Kim Walus

I love love love the fabric you picked for the border of your quilt. It's just beautiful. I'm such a fan of Judie Rothermel's fabric and I'm just going to see if I can find me some of this fabric. WOW! It's going to be a stunning quilt!


What a wonderful thing for you to do Nicole...there are so many people that need help.
Love that's the perfect border. What a great helper Miss Sophie is...I'm not sure you could do it without her..LOL!

Karen Beigh

Red shoes. Red quilt. I am beginning to see a pattern here.


Our church was going on a mission trip to Mexico last summer and gathered shoes for the kids/teenagers. Apparently many/most of them were barefoot and the hot streets burned their feet in the summer!! This year, I bought more shoes at Wal-Mart in anticipation.


That little Sophie is just the cutest darn thing! Love her pictures! Soles4Souls is a wonderful thing! Nancy in WI


HOW in the world did you get your dog to sit there and hold that bag in its' mouth??? That is so cute! He is a little helper! LOL

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