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November 27, 2009



These pictures absolutely made my morning! They capture that after-the-feast feeling so perfectly! They are so lucky to have such a loving home. And those quilts they are curled up on are gorgeous Nicole! I need more fall quilts in my house. Oh, great, more projects! ;)


I love it every time you show us those beautiful trees! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, especially those cute puppies!


It's a slower-paced day here at my house today, too. I think the affects of all the preparations, the busy-ness to get the meal on and everyone made happy catches up and I always need this day to regroup. Some of my family will return this evening for leftovers and more fun together. In the meantime my puppy is doing what your two doggies are doing - sleeping! And I'm going to enjoy a slower pace and a bit of a good book today. So glad you had a good day yesterday. ~Adrienne~


Sounds nice and I'm happy & smiling with the pups snuggly in their festive quilts!!! You're a quilter after my own heart.

Laurie in Iowa

Awww... your pups are adorable.


I'm doing like Sophie- after eating too much, I'm making myself large.

Susan Ramey Cleveland

The doggies loook so comfy. Hope you're doing the same thing they are.


Too funny Nicole- We have a small schnoodle dog named Dusty that can stretch herself so she takes up more room than any adult in our house. That is no mean feat because we are not small people- She makes herself known when staking out her space- We call her Snarls Barkley when she is telling us what she thinks!
Aaah pets are quite the entertainers.
Hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Warmest regards,


That's exactly how I feel...I think I'll take a nap today too! Ozzie and Sophie are as cute as they can be.


I rarely post but I always enjoy pictures of your pups and your quilts. I love your blog!

Nan S.

They look like they have the best seats in the house. I'm just wondering where you and your husband get to sit!!

Karmen Sunshine

Ah, well, what do we make quilts for but for family to enjoy? Karmen


How lovely that both your babies were able to join in the festivities AND they behaved - what else can a mum ask for?! Tell them to get lots of rest ready for Christmas - is Santa going to visit? Our pussy cat already has his advent calendar waiting and his stocking is growing. My friend had 2 Siamese cats and one year she hung their stockings up early. Each day they would have a sniff but she told them they weren't to be opened until Christmas day. Well come Christmas Eve she went to bed and at 4 in the morning she heard this bump, bump, bump up the stairs. She went to investigate and the cats had dragged one of the stockings up the stairs between them to their beds!!!!!! She thought her husband was playing a trick but he was sound asleep next to her - just goes to show they know more than we think they do!!! Debbs in the UK


Oh my goodness these pictures so cute! It looks like the pups have to recover from all the Thanksgiving doings :-)

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