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February 22, 2010


Christine Thomas

Yes, you totally need to go shopping for me. I am not a shopper and my closet looks like it. I'm not very good at adding pizzazz as evidenced by one red sweater, one aqua sweater and one pink shirt (Talbotts, btw.)
Actually, I'm going to take your hints into advisement...really. Simple is what I like.
Can hardly wait to see what you've been up to the last couple of weeks. Glad to have you back and feeling better.

Kelly Wood

I really need a Personal Shopper! I HATE shopping for clothes and I really don't know what looks good or appropriate for me! Wish you were nearby!

Susan Ramey Cleveland

That top is wonderful!


It looks like you had fun shopping... i guess I know who to call when I need a wardrobe makeover! I had just been looking at that pattern... it's so cute, and I like your ideas on using the group!


I know, don't you love the whole classic look of cardigans and basics like black slacks or jeans? You can't go wrong there. Glad you have fun shopping, nothing like spending time with your girl right?


I think it sounds like Sara is one fortunate girl!! Way to go Mom!!
I love that piece that is black with the white circles. That is down my alley. :)
Looking forward to seeing your sewing.
Beverly in WA


Personal Shopper, it could be a third job. Wait, you just got rid of the third job, right?

One of the favorite games I play with my youngest DD is "dressing room". While she is trying on something, I get to go out to the store's floor and pull things I think would look good on her. Lots of times she likes things she tries on that she wouldn't have picked for herself. Of course, she's 19 and a small size so it is a lot easier for her to like what she sees in the mirror:)


I tried shopping this weekend. Same old story, when I have some $ to spend, nothing fits, nothing looks right. When I have zero $ everything fits and looks great. I'm an in-between size, too large for most dept store sizes but too small for the large woman's stores. Compounded by being only 5 feet tall and having a large bust not large hips/thighs. Makes shopping for clothes very depressing. Now even shoe shopping is harder, most of the dept stores in my area are no longer stocking shoes under size 7. Of course, I'm a size 5-1/2 to 6. Very discouraging. I'm glad your daughter was able to find some great coordinates. Hope she does well on her new job.

Lynne in Hawaii

You did a great job as a wardrobe consultant! Just remember, except for the wedding, everyday ware is very casual. For shoes...slippah's (flip-flops) or sandles. Swimsuit of course and SUN BLOCK! A light jacket or sweater is usually enough when the nights are cool. If they go to the Pali lookout be sure to take the sweater! It is VERY windy and cool.


I'm so happy to get an update on Sara. I miss her blog. Hawaii sounds wonderful, it's been number one on my list of vacation destinations for as long as I can remember....seems like something always comes up about the time we get serious about planning a trip. Your weekend sounded so fun.

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