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April 20, 2010



Fun happy fabric and a terrific pattern to show it off!!


I have been drooling over that line for the last week or so as I am really into lime green right now- love it with the black! Now you have inspired me- tonight after work I am going to dream up a project. I agree- you don't want to make the pieces too small so the lovely fabric can shine!

Staci Payne

Love that pattern! Your new fabrics are gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing it all put together one day.

Miss Jean

We need to have a blog-style virtual retirement party!

Susan Ramey Cleveland

The fabric is fantastic. I haven't seen it before.


Yay for three more days till freedom! You are going to get so much sewing done! ou're finishing up work just as I'm starting back up again. Grrrrrr.


That's supposed to be a YOU'RE up there in my previous comment. Maybe I should proofread before hitting POST.


Yeah! A virtual retirement party! I'll bring the virtual Chardonnay! Congrats! Jan


What a pretty quilt there, in your mind, in the pattern, and in the lovely fabric! A work to enjoy for sure.


What a different looking quilt and pattern. Can't wait to see your version.

Liz in Livermore

oooh lovely fabric... I, unfortunately, am on a fabric diet... so I will just "drool" over yours! Thanks for so much inspiration!


Hi Nicole,

Had a major mess with my computer this evening. Somehow I still have your blog which is my favorite, but now without that GORGEOUS blue and white quilt header. Can you call up that photo again? (I have a completely blue and white papered and beadboard sewing room with wallpaper from Victoria back when the magazine still sold wallpaper I love blue and white together.)Now I have a big blank white header for your blog and I would love to look at your B/W quilt again for inspiration.

(I was messing with the computer mechanics for low vision assistance. Never again unless my computer-helpers are at home to visit. I get in too much trouble.)

Best wishes,

keri beyer

hey everyone - it's keri beyer here and i wanted to thank you for all the kind words about my "bees and birds" collection... can't wait to see what you stitch up. (i can't thread a needle so i am in awe of anyone that can sew something!!!) i'm working on my next collection that will debut at market next month... take care, happy stitching and thanks again!

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