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July 21, 2010


Maria Stahl

Thanks for the cookbook recommendations!

I love my crock pots (plural) but sometimes forget I have them.

Yesterday I made tapioca pudding in mine and it turned out delicious.

Another great hot-weather Kitchen Friend is a pressure cooker. I just bought a cookbook my sister in law recommended called Pressure Cooking for Everyone with some awesome recipes in it.


I'm always looking for new crockpot recipes, so I'll definitely check out the cookbooks. Definitely prefer the fresh ingredient route and not the cans of soup and mushy meat. Thanks!


We just used the crockpot for dinner last night - minestrone soup! It was perfect. I got a call from the in-laws at the end of the day, asking if I could drop by their house to pick up some things after work, and I didn't have to worry about running home all frazzled to fix dinner. It was already cooked. Even though I got home an hour later than normal, we were still eating about the same time as usual. And you can't beat the crockpot for homemade staples - cooking dry beans, vegetable broth, marinara sauce, etc. I know it sounds melodramatic, but I don't know what I'd do without mine some days.


I love my crockpot and use it on a regular basis. Thanks for the recipe!!


I love this

My DD#2 just had a baby last week. We crocked the last 2 nights with
Shepard's Pie
Mexican Chicken

Love crocking everyday.


I'm so glad that you're leaving your blog just the way it is! I love using my crock pots...yummy recipe...I'll be giving that one a try! Thanks!


I so love my crock pot too. I use mine all year round and would rather use it in the summer than heat up the kitchen with the oven. And yes, by all means do not change one thing about your blogging.


Nicole....have you used the crock pot liners? They are fabulous and clean up is a breeze.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE A Year of Slow Cooking! I have gotten the best recipies from Stephanie's web site, in addition to great tips. If anyone is planning a family gathering & needs to feed a crowd, try her BBQ Pulled Pork. We serve it for large groups with slider-sized rolls. ALWAYS a hit (and it freezes really well).

Ann Duncan-Gibbs

I got the "Not your mother's slow cooker" book for Christmas, and we've made a third to half the recipes in there. Fabulous cookbook. There's a lot of room to experiment with them too. We love the provencal tomato soup. It's a favorite. I don't think a single recipe has added salt in it.

Nicole, don't change a thing about your blog. I love hearing about your day-to-day adventures and seeing pictures of your works in progress!


I've only used my crockpot a few times my whole married life but should get it out more often (have to practically stand on my head to pull it out of the deep bottom cupboard!). I am more frequently a one-skillet kind of cook :)

Nicole, did you go back to work?

Barbara Anne

Ooohhh! The recipe sounds delicious and the aroma as it cooks must be lovely, too. Thank you!

We need more cookbooks like we need holes in our heads but these seem so prefect for us and for the boys. Our array of cookbooks is lacking in the slow cooker dept. ... and how is that for a speedy rationalization?!

I'll definitely check out that website, too.

Now I'm hungry!


Mary Flynn

The wonderful thing about crockpots is you can pretty much toss in just about anything and it comes out wonderfully. I find many recipes on the web too...I'll check out your book recommendations next time I'm in the bookstore.
When I worked full time away from home I always had the crockpot going....however, I would be a bit worried after hearing just the other day a home burnt down due to the crockpot. Isn't that scary?!!

abby latimer

I am a working mom/wife and the crockpot makes my life so much easier. I often cook chicken in broth during the day to shred and put in whatever meal we're having that night. Pull pork sandwiches, chicken salsa etc are great. I made homemade applesauce in it just last night! Thanks for the tips on the cookbook I would love one that uses real ingredients.

Maria Stahl

BTW, I'm making your French dip today, with onion rolls from the King Arthur Flour website.

Healthy Foods Blog

Great information + Amazing Recipe = Excellent entry. I really appreciate all of these. Thanks for sharing!

- Tera


This summer has been a hot one so far, after a cold wet Spring. If it can't be made in the microwave, crockpot or on the grill it pretty much isn't getting cooked this summer!
My sister sets her crockpot outside on the patio so as to not add heat to the house!

Karen M

I just love reading your blog. You have the best ideas in decorating, cooking and quilting. Don't ever change. Thanks for the new cooking blog to check out. Thanks too for letting me come in and seeing a different side of the country. Nebraska gets pretty boring and it's extremely hot and humid now. It's always relaxing to have some iced tea and sit and read your blog after a long day at work. Thanks! Karen M


MMMMMI feel hungry now will have to get my crock pot out and use it more often.
Hugs Mary.

crockpot recipe

Hi there, nice crockpot recipe you've got here. I will definitely give this a go. I simply favor crockpot recipes because they are generally simple yet rich tasting dishes. This recipe is something my husband and I will definitely love and the kids will definitely enjoy (they're not really into soup and stuff but they really love trying new dishes!)


I just got a pressure-cooker, too! I'm trying to save money and looking for recipies online... this site is pretty bare, but it looks like it's just getting going. The pictures are yummi!

rita larson

I'm checking out these cookbooks.. Love the crockpot. I use them in the winter of course, but they sure are handy in the summer when it's 96 outside and you don't want more heat in the kitchen. In fact I did Italian beef for sandwiches last night while I snoozed. Now my yummy lunch is waiting for me...Simple.

Denise in PA

I love my crockpot! I don't use it a ton, but I would like to incorporate more slow cooker recipes. I'm going to check out those books, thanks!


I have two large and one dip size crock pot. I don't use them near enough! I'm always so proud when I do. I like the crock pot liners you can buy in the grocery store in the paper goods section. They really save on clean-up.


Mid-winter here and working full-time makes crock pot cooking a winner in our house. It's on at least once during the week and I make a big pot of soup overnight on Friday night.

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