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November 08, 2010



Poor Sophie. But the quilt is coming along beautifully!

Christine Thomas

That quilt looks beautiful...I really like your color choices and combinations.

Maria Stahl

Poor Ozzie!!

*notices Sophie's snazzy fabric muzzle* She's stylin, why should she be upset? LOL


Ice Cream for dinner! Hey can I come over????


Love your color combinations for this quilt. Totally soothing. I could really use some ice cream for dinner too.


Those colors certainly play well together! ...wish the pups could do so, as well!!


That blue in those star blocks looks great! I think leaving the caramel in the 9 patches blocks is the way to go. I'm hoping to get going on my version this week.

Love the dog stories, I've been thinking we need another one, maybe not!


The quilt blocks are gorgeous! Good choice. Oh...I would hate having the dog problem. We have more than two and thank goodness we don't have any dominance issues....Except with the cat! He knows he is the boss of these dogs. Even the German Shepherd is afraid of him!

Laura Tawney

Love your quilt and how it's progressing. So sorry to hear it's not going well with the dogs!
Laura T

Barbara Anne

Love the quilt blocks and the chosen fabrics. This quilt is going to be just lovely!

Awww! Sorry Sophie and Ozzie don't get along to the extent that they must be separated to keep the peace. Don't you have wishes of a Peaceable Kingdom in your home? I do. Our mama and son cats are that way but the angst is all on mama's part. Tom just looks at her like she's crazy when she takes an undeserved swat at him. Both are fixed, BTW.

I hope and pray your hubby finds the job of his dreams this week, at a wonderful location, and with the right salary and benefits, too. I learned long ago, you need to be specific when you ask!



I just had my grandkids for a week. I can sort of relate to the dog situation! :)
I'm loving the look of the quilt.


I love your quilt blocks so far. What a great combination!


Aww, I had not heard of any trouble in the last few weeks so thought (hoped) that the dogs were getting along better by now. Sibling rivalry of the canine variety, even though they are not really siblings...

This quilt blocks look so pretty! I love the way they are coming together.


I love the blue in this project. I'm liking the mocha blocks as well, it's going to be very nice!

Helen in Switzerland

poor old grumpy Sophie!
The mocha quilt is looking great - very different from your normal colourways!


Oh woman, I feel your pain! I love the improvised muzzle made out of beautiful fabric! ;0

I'm new to your blog....which dog did you have first? just curious. no judgement. just curious. have you tried setting up baby gate so they both can be in but seperated? it might not work. they may just go out at it at the gate.


I love the look of your new quilt. Will you put it on point? I had my head in my hand (headache)when reading your post and thought that would look nice so I might try it myself someday for a quilt.

Shame to hear about your dogs not getting along. My friend had two small terriers as well that didn't get along until she started walking them together and stopped separating them. It was really hard for the first week but she held on and now they are best of friends, guess what she calls them.... Pick and Mix...:))


The Quilt looks lovely How do you get yhe muzzle to stey on sophie's face My dog gets his off we need to muzzle him when he gets clipped but he aleays gets his muzzle off is their A secret to keeping it on?
Hugs Mary.


Love your blocks! Have fun sewing.

Good luck to your husband with the job interviews.


Love your Mocha Trails!! The color combinations are stunning! Best of luck to your husband on his interviews... I will say a prayer!


I'll keep my fingers crossed that your husband gets a job! I love how much Ozzy misses your husband! Too sweet. Maybe Sophie just didn't want her pic taken... Your quilt is coming along beautifully. Weekend of sewing sounds great!


Did you make Sophie a quilted muzzle? She sure looks upset at the whole thing. It's difficult for us girls to keep our mouths shut!!! LOL!!!

The quilt is coming along beautifully. I sewed this weekend and I now know that I have to sew more often. I am way out of practice and the quilt I'm working on is now called "The Pointless Wonder". We'll not even mention the back...


I adore the blocks you are making there!


Sweet, sweet Ozzie misses his Dad...sending lots of good thoughts that hubby gets the right job this week! Until he comes home...enjoy those ice cream dinners...sounds perfect to me! Love your Mocha Trails blocks...the blue really makes them FUN!


Whoa! Check out those blocks. Yummy. Delightful. Perfect.

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