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April 18, 2011



Thanks for the up close and personal review. I am a traditional quilter, and that's what I like about Monique's patterns. Thanks for sharing the interview.

Jayne Honnold

The more I see of this book here in the blogosphere, the more I think I must own it! Thanks so much for introducing us to Monique and her book!


Thanks for giving us a bit of insight into Monique. It is always interesting to me how everyone comes to designing. Her book looks so wonderful, another for the wish list.


Excellent interview. I'm a big fan or Hargrave too. She is very traditional quilter and I find myself going that route myself. I'm always open to new ideas but in my heart, I'll always be a traditional quilter.

Barbara Anne

Thanks, Nicole and Monique!

Busy getting ready for a guest but here I am on-line. Away I go!


paulettte Doyle

Stunning quilts!! Love this book!

Susan Ramey Cleveland

Looks like a very interesting book. I love the quilts.


Great interview! I love hearing how designers get started! Thanks so much to both of you!


I just love here designs! The red/cream quilt is a favorite!!!!!

Marcia Burt

Interesting questions for Monique! And even more interesting answers! Enjoyed reading the interview! But LOVE the book! :)


Fascinating! So infesting to hear about the publishing process. Wow, two years to get everything around. I had know idea! Makes me really appreciate how much work goes into a book. The quilts are gorgeous! I can't wait to get my hands on that book!

Terry Johnson

Thanks for the insight into Monique and the process of publishing her book. She is a very kind person, a great designer and teacher.

Linda W

These are beautiful and original quilts! I received my Breakfast at Tiffany's fat-eighth give-away bundle yesterday--thank you Nicole!! So very generous. Maybe those fabrics in one of Monique's quilts?? mind is spinning with the possibilities!

Judy C in NC

Loved your interview with Monique. Awesome giveaway and opportunity. Glad to find out more about the author. Judy C


Thank you for sharing more about the author and her approach to writing this book. Thanks Monique for the book!

Diane W

thanks for sharing the interview. Great questions glad to find out more.

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