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April 19, 2011



Hi Nicole, I'll be the first commenter so probably don't have much of a chance of being the fortunate winner of the book and tools.
That is going to be quite some quilting studio- I would go with custom made if the cost is affordable otherwise Ikea would certainly do the trick - they do have a great variety of cabinets which work well together.
Enjoy the planning!!!!

Deb S.

Definitely go with Ikea. I just converted my family room into a quilting room/studio. I used Ikea Pax closets for fabric storage, two Varde kitchen islands from Ikea for a cutting table and an ironing station and an Ikea dining table for a sewing table. Billy bookcases with glass doors hold my quilt books and some quilty knick knacks. I made a 5' x 6' design wall by covering Foamular with two Fons and Porter design walls. I love the whole room.

Enjoy the process.

Deb S.


Oh I'd love this book! And...your new quilting space looks like a dream! What a fabulous space to work in!


I would love to win this. The patterns are so lovely!


Excellent -- I liked the "Whist" pattern most from yesterday.

As someone in their mid-20s, I have no sewing room and need to be able to store everything away on a moment's notice! I use my kitchen table, and everything goes into bags or boxes when I'm not using it.


I would love to have your dilemma of deciding how to furnish and arrange a quilt studio but alas, I do not, so I am going to love watching your journey and be just a wee bit envious lol! Ikea would be a great place to start. I bet there is everything you need for storage and I just love the clean, simple lines of their products. A good backdrop for all the wonderful fabric and projects. Thanks for the great preview of Monique's book. Her patterns are the best.


Looking forward to seeing your process for the studio. Ready made cabinets might be great, you'll know from playing with the design before starting the construction. I think the "bigger" elements like design wall (and sight line), the actual work spaces, lighting and all of your storage space come first. Leave room for that rocker and a little girl's sewing corner too!!


Didn't Carrie do her Sewing studio from IKEA? I think her shelves looked great. And this book looks SO awesome. I'd love a set of these "Fit to Be" rulers. Thanks so much for taking the time to review Monique's book. I know you have a lot ahead of you ;-)

Judy C in NC

Really nice giveaway - and an awesome book. I know you must be excited on the new space to are designing. Pls share pictures. Judy C

Sue Bennett

my pick be with Ikea. They have a great product. Count me in. I would love a set of the Fit to Be rulers and or the book. So count me in please.


Nicole, what an adventure ahead of you and how fun is that going to be to design your quilting studio! Thanks for all the great postings on Monique's new book. It definitely is one I think I will have to have!
I also enjoy your postings about your dogs. We have an Airedale who doesn't know he is a dog and who brings us great joy and laughter. Looking forward to following your journey designing "your space".


Two words...pressing station. I love my very large pressing area. It's priceless!! Thanks for the great book tour!!


The new space looks awsome! I would also go with Ikea. I have always had a sewing room - either an extra bedroom or the "formal dining room" - if the house has another eating area in the kitchen. My hubby is a ham radio operator and he also needs his own room - it's always a challenge for the Realtor! We pick a house based on "our rooms" and then consider the other aspects! Have fun planning the new space!

shelly j

I would go with Ikea, then you could easily change it up if you ever needed to.
Love the new book you are previewing and would love a copy for my library.


I look forward to seeing the converted quilt studio space! Fingers crossed that I'll be the winner.


I would love to win the book and ruler - your preview of the projects has got me itchin' to get this one! How much fun will it be setting up your new studio!! I like all of Deb S.'s ideas...


What a fabulous book! I'd love to win! And that studio - how envious am I! Looks wonderful!

Sandy Rowe

I too, would love to win Monique's book. I just got my two rulers in the mail yesterday. So, having the book would be really helpful! LOL


I am sure your studio will be beautiful! I love to read your blog and follow your adventures in life and quilting!! Congrats on the new studio and princess!


I'd have to say height. Make sure that every table you cut fabric on, sew on or sit at is the right height for you. Nothing worse then having an aching back every time you have to cut fabric or just the awakwardness of leaning in to sew. Enjoy your wonderful opportunity to make this studio...ALL yours.Can't wait to see the photos.

Christina Drury

Wow! How great to have your own studio. It will be fun to see the progress. I have a quilt in mind if I win the book, and even if I don't! I would like to have Monique's rulers also. What a treat. Thanks for the chance to enter.

Diane Linford

A while ago I saw the perfect sewing room on Trends and Traditions ( It was fabulous. It's Heather's sewing room. It's worth hunting down and looking at before you make a final decision.


So pleased for you, Nicole!! It all happens at the right time. Oh, your sewing den is going to be fabulous. After trying various nooks as in kitchen, dining room, and even sharing a sons bedroom I am now in one corner of the Lounge Room which faces North. It is the best I have had here. DH and DS made a cube bookcase for my sewing needs and it is great. We worked out sizes to fit two stacks of fabric in each cube and for it to fit between the window and wall. It is perfect for all my needs and keeps the room tidier. Good luck with packing and renovating, oh what fun!!

Jill quilts

Oh yea!! I love prizes!

I am getting ready to redo my 2 bedrooms and move my bed and furniture into the smaller bedroom and all of my sewing things into the master. I can't wait to get painting! Good luck!

Mary Kastner

Hi Nicole,

I'd love the book and really want the rulers. I'd definitely think Ikea. I have my quilting space in our finished attic space. The nooks and walls were pretty space crazy so I measured at least two times and went to Ikea and found some great stuff at really reasonable prices. I have been out of town for a week with a family issue so I want to congratulate you on the move. I did this 5 years ago when my daughter was pregnant with her first and I think you know I nanny the two girls now while Mom works. I don't regret it for one moment. They are such a blessing in my life.
Best Wishes,

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