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July 21, 2011



I think I"ll give that design board a try, and I agree, the cuter the better! Can hardly wait to see your first few FW blocks, love the fabric you and Sara have chosen.

Also love Midnight in Paris, the best movie I've seen this year (but that's not saying much, what's with movies these days!), I don't particularly like Luke Wilson or Woody Allen movies but still loved the movie!! It was a wonderful escape, which is why I go to the movies!

Karen L.

Hi, Nicole - Congratulations on your move and gettting to see your daughter every day! I am envious of your new studio. Here is a book I recently purchased that might help you get organized

Organizing Solutions for Every Quilter: An Illustrated Guide to the Space of Your Dreams

Karen L

Diane Linford

The mini design boards are a great idea. I can't tell you how many times I've reversed a piece in a square between the table and my machine.

I was taking a closer look at your blog - usually I go straight to your post, I love the look of the quilts on your sidebar. It gives you a feeling of how they'd look from far away, and they are striking. Plus it's easy to see them closer up. I also noticed you changed the quilt on your header again. That watermelon quilt is darling.


Good morning, Nicole. I am going to check out the book posted by Karen L above...and love your daughter's fabric choice. Baby E must be getting close if she on the move down. Won't be long now - but I think I read on your blog or Sara's that she is not going to be let to camp out in there past her due date.

Haven't seen the movie yet, but it is on my list to see!

Lori Holt

Hi Nicole...
Thank you so much for sharing my mini design board sweet of you!
I am new to your's just beautiful and I'll be back to visit often.
I'm so happy to see you've made your mini boards and are ready to go...I can't wait to see your blocks:)


Thank you for introducing me to the Farmer's Wife. I had not heard about it before but I heard from some of my guild members that they were familiar with the project. I'm thinking of using my batik stash. Totally different than yours but, hopefully, equally gorgeous!

Barbara Anne

Love the mini design board and the fabrics Sara chose for The Farmer's Wife quilt.

Cheers that Baby E is "dropping" into place for her coming birth!! Now the bathroom dash from pressure in that area will take on a whole new meaning. Fortunately, it won't be for too long. How exciting!!



Love Clermont Farms fabric! I'm sure Sara will enjoy working with it. It will be so fun to watch the progress.

badlands quilts

Can't to see your blocks. I'm going to start too so it is nice to see others joining in later as well. (Though I don't so as fast as you!)

Deb Myers

Greetings Nicole!

Two Things: (1) Isn't Midnight in Paris (loosely) based on Paris Wife~ the story of Earnest Hemmingway's first wife~ who EH professes to be " my one true love"? Did you read the book? Wonderful read~~ one of my favorite books I've read in quite awhile!!

(2) You've drank the kool-aid, and started on Farmer's Wife Quilt A-Long, eh?? I have not, as yet~~ but, I'm mighty close!! Very, very close! have you seen this offering? All the templates from the book combined into one document, ready to print out in a 15 page document!! Liz Arbaugh is the brain behind this~ but, I can't remember the name of her blog, nor could I find her blog listed after searching on google. After printing the templates, Liz had them laminated with a fairly thick product. VOILA!! Way to go, I'd say!! have fun with your FWQAL, and that new baby girl!!!


Love your design board and comment about the glue...I had the same problem :) Not to mention, you should really use low temp..didn't realize glue could get so stinkin hot :0 Love Sara's Clermont Farms (but I love anything Minick & Simpson) can't wait to see both of your blocks...and Baby E!!

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