Is this not the weirdest creature you have ever seen? It is a gigantic praying mantis that has decided to visit my hummingbird feeder. These big bugs seem to be common in my new garden. In fact, last week, I went down to the Studio-That-Isn't and there was one right on the door knob! Luckily I saw it before I grabbed on to open the door. Can you even imagine? You all could have heard me scream way out there on the East Coast.
I think it is fascinating, but from a good distance.
This hummingbird doesn't seem to mind, although she may be wondering why the feeder is listing to the other side.
After I posted the picture on Facebook, one of my cousins emailed me to say that I should shoo the bug away, as they are known to strike hummingbirds. I had a hard time imagining this and joked a bit with my husband about my cousin being a bit of a Know It All.
***Added later--I did some research on the internet, and turns out my cousin wasn't being an alarmist. Praying mantises have been know to strike, kill and eat hummingbirds!!! I actually saw a YouTube video on the subject and it was totally shocking. Quite ghastly, actually. I am happy to say that no hummingbirds were harmed in my garden during this episode. Any future praying mantises who visit my hummingbird feeder will be removed.
Oh, this talk of hummingbirds reminds me of something! I have the best method for cleaning the grunge out of hummingbird feeders. If you have any sort of mold or mildew, the birds won't drink your nectar, as it makes them sick. And if your bottle brush won't fit inside the feeder bottle, you may be wondering what to do. Here's what: You partially fill the feeder with a solution of water and liquid detergent, or a mild bleach and water mixture. Add a couple of tablespoons of uncooked rice, and shake it vigorously. You will be amazed at how spic and span the inside of the feeder bottle becomes! Rinse well and fill as usual with your sugar solution.
Oh my goodness....I'd have died if I encountered that! I'm so glad I live somewhere where we don't have big scary creepy crawlies!
Posted by: Helen in Switzerland | September 07, 2011 at 05:16 AM
Love the hummingbird and the feeder cleaning method!
Don't love the praying mantis so much. They are icky but I didn't know they would harm hummingbirds, too. I wonder if there is a spray to deter the bugs from staying in your garden or if they come with the territory?
Yesterday was the most delightful rainy day but this morning we were awakened at 7a by crashing loud and repetitive thunder. The cats went under the bed and I nearly joined them there!
Where is Eva???????
Posted by: Barbara Anne | September 07, 2011 at 05:23 AM
I have several praying mantis on my feeders each day and flip them into the flower garden. They ARE a beneficial insect. I googled praying mantis and found that in South America they are much larger and do eat hummers. At Walmart, I found rectangular quart feeders with large mouths (easy to clean)and 10 feeding holes. We hang 4 and the little rascals drink more than a gallon a day. We probably feed 60 or 70 little birds.
Posted by: Gwynette in Northwest Arkansas | September 07, 2011 at 07:31 AM
There definitely seem to be more praying mantis this year than in the past and also more earwigs. I am hoping that the praying mantis like to eat earwigs and hornworms.
Posted by: Ferne | September 07, 2011 at 08:40 AM
Too early for such violence! YIKES! ;0
Hey, it's been a few days since we've seen the baby....come on...where's that beautiful girl??? ;0
Posted by: ina | September 07, 2011 at 08:50 AM
Thanks for the feeder tip. I have never heard of using rice.
Posted by: Paula Zumaris | September 07, 2011 at 09:22 AM
Thanks for the tip. I abhor praying manti!
Posted by: jane | September 07, 2011 at 09:51 AM
Great tip, Nicole! I had NO idea about the mantis! You would think the hummingbirds being so fast wouldn't get anywhere near striking distance! Mother Nature can be very strange sometimes!
Posted by: Candace | September 07, 2011 at 10:13 AM
True story...
During or after mating, it is common for a female praying mantis to eat her mate. She usually starts by biting off/eating his head.
I always thought that this was an interesting approach to life. :)
Posted by: Lindsey | September 07, 2011 at 10:25 AM
I was wondering why the hummingbirds weren't gravitating to my feeder... it must need to be cleaned. Thanks for the heads up on the praying mantis! Yikes! I thought cats would be the potential problem!
I have the same kind of cleaning tip for coffee pots... only using salt.
Posted by: Sinta Renee | September 07, 2011 at 10:50 AM
Interesting post!
I've seen three praying mantises in the past few weeks, but haven't seen them around or on the hummingbird feeder. My husband can't stand being around them (he says they're creepy) but I just tell him they're good to have around, so please don't kill them! :)
Sinta was talking about cleaning her hummingbird feeder. I clean mine and refill with fresh nectar every 2 days. In hot weather, it doesn't take long for the liquid to begin fermenting or grow a black fungus which can make the birds sick. The nectar I make is 4 parts water to 1 part sugar (no red dye), a recipe I got from my mother after she watched a documentary about a couple who has been feeding hummers for almost 40 years.
Posted by: Denise Downey | September 07, 2011 at 11:19 AM
We have lots of hummingbirds visiting the flowers where I live, I like to watch them but I don't have a bird feeder for them. I hear ya about that bug on your doorknob and you screaming if you were to have touched it. A couple days ago, I felt something on my foot while I was in my sewing room cutting fabric. It was a Scorpion! OMG, I quickly got a fly swatter and wacked the heck out of it. He tried to crawl into my basket of Pre-Cuts, I'm saying oh now you aren't doing that you stupid Scorpion.
Posted by: Carol | September 07, 2011 at 12:11 PM
I change my fluid every ohter day and clean the feeder and let it dry over night. This stops all the "crap" from growing .
Posted by: k | September 07, 2011 at 02:55 PM
Be careful you dont bring in a plant that may have a praying mantis nest in it. I have done that twice and have had teeny tiny praying mantis by the hundred hatch in my classroom at school. Also some are endangered so handle with care.
Posted by: Colleen | September 07, 2011 at 04:56 PM
Cool, yet creepy. My kind of information! ;)
Posted by: Kristyne | September 07, 2011 at 07:54 PM
We have alot of hummer's at my house. I have 15 feeders (the same brand as you) and they get filled everyday. Hundreds of birds. So fun to watch as I'm quilting.
Posted by: Judy Snider | September 09, 2011 at 06:31 AM
Wow! Who knew?? Thanks for the info!
Posted by: Michele | September 10, 2011 at 01:30 PM
Thanks for the tip on cleaning the hummingbird feeders. I've been enjoying our hummingbirds all summer but there have been a lot more haning around the last couple of weeks. They are so fun to watch. Yikes, I'm not loving that praying mantis at all.
Posted by: Sherry | September 18, 2011 at 06:16 AM