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March 16, 2012


Barbara Anne

I know it's not really funny to have a sneaky, cute, miserable dog "hounding" you in a variety of ways to come play with him since the outside world is too wet. LOVE that last picture! Doesn't that say it all?

Cheers and congratulations on finishing those bazillion HSTs and even being close to putting them all into their blocks! Well done! Love the fabrics and the colors in the HSTs that you've let us peek at. I wish I had your diligence.

Don't forget to wear green tomorrow so no one will pinch you!


Archie the wonder dog

Oh, poor Ozzie! And naughty Ozzie too - I hope the rain stops soon! Good luck with the secret project, you have me intrigued!


Oh my, Ozzie is certainly needing a good run! I remember how much pent up energy our Airedale had.


Oh but she is so cute... However, a tomato on a white couch!
I love the fabrics you are using for this project.


Just seeing him standing up there cracks me up. Terriers. They're crazy right?


Oh, Ozzie! What a silly boy! He is such a little thief, isn't he? We, too, have what I refer to as a 'faux digger.' I don't understand HOW she thinks she can 'bury' things in the bed or the dining room carpet, but she gets busted 'digging' on a regular basis! Ozzie looks so forlorn perched on the cushion!
Kudos on your half square triangles! They look perfect and I love the color choices! Can't wait to see the finished quilt! I'm working my way through some granny squares using Carrie's Nine Dots fabric! ;)


Pets are so much fun, aren't they?lol


Oh my!!! He is keeping you on your toes!! LOL

Susan Ramey Cleveland

Ozzie! Is Nicole going to have to change your name to Tweaker????

Laurie in Iowa

Oh... poor Ozzie... he looks so sad.


Whew, for a while there I thought that Ozzie had calmed down and stopped all his antics! Glad to know that he is back in action!!! LOL!!!


A TOMATO??!!! My last dog would pick tomatoes from our garden and eat them just enough so they were ruined. What is it about tomatoes?

You're gonna have to move that is just too tempting for the little putz. ;p


Dogs can be so funny, even if they're misbehaving! Glad you can see the humor in this, Nicole ;>) That's a lotta HST's, too - and all beautifully trimmed!


Ha ha, that little rebel Ozzie! It's a shame he can't go on his little walking adventures to burn up all that extra energy! He looks so cute and mischievous in that photo!
sillysally aka choc chip addict


lol..Great tomato story!
Hey Nicole, I posted a pic just for you today on my blog... :)
I'm starting to take pics of the way my mail order fabs are


Nancy Watkins

I love hearing about what Ozzie has been up to but me thinks that chair is too close to the counter but then we just might spoil all his fun! I can't wait to see the quilt you are working on! I love trimming half-square triangles.


Hi Nicole. I stumbled upon a really neat resource today and for some reason you popped to mind. I remember your posts on embroidery and such...and just in case you haven't seen these before here are some really cool tutorials on every embroidery stitch under the sun. I hope the link works:

Take care!


Ozzie is gorgeous no wonder you can't get cross with him. Life would be so dull without a dog to entertain us. Hope he gets his walk soon.


Aw bless - that last picture is so precious! It's such a pity dogs won't walk themselves around the garden when it is raining... Look forward to seeing the quilt when unveiled!


Those HSTs are going to turn into something awesome, I can tell! Can't wait to see what that something is. I just love your Ozzie tales....he's so darn cute! Have a great week-end!


You looks so, I wish this weather finish soon. Saludos


God, I love that dog! Never a dull moment and he certainly does keep himself occupied.

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