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June 27, 2012



So pleased to hear that Grandpa is doing well and enjoying his new home.
As for the quilting, I agree with you that in the ditch is not a piece of cake - it takes lots of practice and concentration to get those lines sewn where they are supposed to be.

Barbara Anne

Well done on finished Doc Schnibbles!!!!! I, too, and bravely (badly or not) venturing into quilting my smaller projects as that just makes good sense. I'm not a particular customer for me to deal with either so good enough works just fine!

Cheers that Grandpa has weathered the medical annoyances and is back to enjoying life as usual in his charming cottage!

We're hanging on here between hospital with AMIL and rehab with FIL. Glub, glub!

Praying for rain for all of Colorado.




So glad to hear that Grandpa is doing well. And yes those straight lines have always been a challenge :-)

Nancy Watkins

Your stitching looks fine Nicole and everyone will love it! I'm happy for Grandpa. We love watching the birds too. Have a good day!


Whew! Glad to hear that Grandpa has graduated to a walker. Hopefully (and it sounds like it has already) that will make him feel like he has more freedom and will be able to enjoy himself much more.

We used to frequent a cabin up in our local mountains and would put whole peanuts on the railing of the back deck. Lordy, lordy! The blue jays had a war getting to them before the others. The first one (who we called "Loudmouth") would swoop down, and then call *very loudly* to all his buddies and they would all come down to claim the prizes.


So glad to hear that you are having a bit of time to quilt and that Grandpa is doing better!
Was encouraged by your recent posting on quilt magazines to send a frustrated email to Fons and Porter regarding their July/Aug magazine cover. It featured a quilt that has been "free" on the designer's website for quite a while. I definitely felt like I would be "cheated" if I bought this magazine. So, here's hoping that our blog and emailing campaign will get us better quilt fodder in the future!
Have a great day!


I also do the vaguely in the vicinity of the ditch quilting....but it doesn't bother me! It's quilted and that is the important part :)

Glad to hear Grandpa is getting a go-ahead and is enjoying himself. He must miss his dear wife terribly.


The more pictures I see of your DOC quilt, the more I want to make myself one. I bought the pattern, trying to be hopeful for the Schnibbles QAL, but never got around to it. Glad to hear about Grandpa. Love the idea of hummingbird wars - your descriptions are too funny...
I'm also super excited that I was able to snag some layer cakes of Marmalade and Tapestry on eBay! Yay!!!


Glad to hear grandpa is doing better, it's so important to keep them occupied and it sounds like he is :) He's so lucky to have a daughter-in-law like you!

Andee in AZ

LOL I too use that "Stitch Vaguely in the Vicinity of the Ditch" method. Thanks for the chuckle! Love the colors of your Doc...I am sure the quilting looks great from a galloping!


YAY Granpa!!! It's amazing what fresh air does for the heart and soul. ;p

I feel the same way about the stitch in the ditch thing! ;p

Sandy Brown

I know what you mean about the mad dash to get something quilted for a holiday. I now have a patriotic Lincoln Schnibbles sitting in my sewing machine waiting for me to finish it. I decided to quilt it with loops and stars and started Saturday and I probably will be sewing the binding on July 4th knowing me.

Great news about Grandpa, he's a lucky guy - caring family and friends and bird watching to keep him amused!


Hooray for you and Grandpa!! You got your quilt done (okay, I see you are still working ont he binding), and it sounds like he is doing very well with the walker. A good week for you -- and it's only half over!


So happy to read that Grandpa is becoming more mobile! I'm sure he's feeling better about his situation! I agree with the comment above...he must miss his wife so much. It hasn't been that long and so many, many changes for him and your family to face.
Your Doc is looking good all quilted up just in time for the 4th!

Grandma Goose

Bernina makes a stitch-in-the-ditch" attachment for its walking foot that helps a quilter stitch in the ditch. Not completely fool proof but it is a tremendous help.


Nicole, you crack me up! I'm sure your quilting is just fine. I took a quilt class one time from Don Linn, an extraordinary quilter. We were going to stitch in the ditch and he told us to lower our feed dogs! A gasp went up in the room, but you know what, if you go slow it works!

So glad gramps is doing better!!!


Your quilting looks fine!!! Quilting in the ditch is sometimes harder than quilting a quarter inch from the seam. I don't usually quilt in the ditch for that reason. Congrats on taking the plunge and quilting for yourself though. It takes practice and you will improve as time goes on!!! I'm glad to here Grandpa is doing better!! Take care!! Hugs Ariane

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