Are any of you out there wool workers? Before this trip to the Buggy Barn, I had no idea what wool work was all about. What an eye opening experience. I am in love. The photo above is my class project, which was entirely constructed to the point as shown in the few hours of class time we had. The bunny and the "muff" on the left hand edge will be positioned in the main scene and whip stitched down soon. The prep takes longer than the actual stitching! There is a lot of cutting out, positioning and pinning in place before you can sew, but the actual sewing goes at the speed of light.
I mean, seriously. Have you ever seen anything so cute? Who knew? This process is so darn easy, you could teach your kids to do it. All that is required is careful cutting skills, and the know how to do a whip stitch. Piece of cake. Oh, and one more thing. A Donald Trump sized budget.
Man, these supplies are pricey. Jeez Louise. Before Thelma and I even had our first day of instruction we were in at least $50 for wool supplies for future projects we thought we'd like to make. The teensiest piece of felted wool costs a pretty penny. Up to $20 for a collection of four or five little eight inch squares.
For those of you who are novices, as Thelma and I were, felted wool is regular wool that has been washed and shrunk, so it thickens up and will not ravel. This makes it ideal for whip stitching on a background, and using as a table mat or other decorative piece.
Our instructor was Bonnie Sullivan of All Through the Night, master wool worker. She has years of experience, a couple of books out, and loads of patterns. She comes from a talented family--her sister is Kathy Schmidt, a fabric designer for Moda. Here are some photos of Bonnie's work:
Just look how she placed the plaid for her bee hive. She did the same thing for the individual bees, which you can probably see if you zoom in on the photo. Amazing
Even though the supplies are pricey, the technique to applique the wool pieces onto a background could not be easier. A simple whip stitch in thread that matches your wool just disappears into the background. And man, is it ever fast! Honestly, you can finish up a project in no time flat, and have a vintage looking decoration on your table for the holidays.
You do not need fancy threads. I brought embroidery floss, but perle cotton or just regular old sewing thread works just fine. A lady in the class had brought her entire stash of threads (which was enormous) and was happlily sharing what she had with the rest of us. You need embroidery needles, pins, and some sort of fabric glue. Oh, and see that little pile of scraps on the right? You never ever throw anything away when you work with wool. It is like gold. Not to be wasted, ever.
This class was a real eye opener and I am grateful to Thelma for suggesting we try it, and to Bonnie Sullivan for introducing me to a lovely new craft.
I too just started in wool and I love it. I am learning crazy quilt embroidery for on the wool. You may enjoy browsing the wool work on the Primitive Gatherings site. I look forward to more of your projects in wool.
Posted by: Betty | August 29, 2012 at 05:14 AM
I was telling Thelma this morning that my sister works exclusively with wool. She loves Primitive stuff and is always looking to recruit me! There are felts that are like wool which are a bit more economical and even some flannels that you can incorporate into a wool project to add dimension. I was at my sister's place last week and she was showing me the different types of supplies she uses. Seh doesn't whip stitch though, she uses a button hole stitch and lately has been doing it on her machine. Anyway you should look at the patterns from Heart to Hand ( They make some absolutely gorgeous wool work.
Posted by: Sandy M | August 29, 2012 at 06:41 AM
How cute are these projects?? So glad you've found a delightful new direction for your creativity!
Our younger son is allergic to wool, so I'm not likely to head in this direction.
Friends who love wool-work have found wool clothing at Goodwill and Salvation Army. They felt it themselves by washing it in the washing machine. If there is any special way of washing it (additive, temperature), I am unaware of that but am sure the information is on-line somewhere.
Ohhhh, would you like to look in thrift shops, in say, IRELAND, for some wool to felt yourself??!
Posted by: Barbara Anne | August 29, 2012 at 06:50 AM
I love working with wool!! You can also staple your pieces to your background if you don't want to use glue:)
Posted by: LoriD | August 29, 2012 at 06:55 AM
what pretty work. I have a friend that has done wool work for a long time. She used to scour the thrift stores too. She has a vast supply of fabric and does beautiful work. Glad you are having fun with it all Nicole.
Posted by: taria | August 29, 2012 at 06:58 AM
Gorgeous! I keep looking at the wool projects whenever I'm at a quilt show, but don't think I've ever bought one. Well, I never did one anyway, I'll have to look through my stash to see if I've ever actually bought one. And if I find I didn't, I'll probably buy one at the upcoming quilt show! o:)
Posted by: Denise in PA | August 29, 2012 at 07:22 AM
Lisa Bonjean, from Primitive Gatherings (and a designer for Moda), has a wonderful website and online store. You may go crazy!! She recommends using Steam-a-seam (not glue) to secure the wool pieces to the background before sewing them down (and she uses a buttonhole stitch).
I found her wonderful booth at the Houston quilt show last year. She has beautiful wools , threads (dyed to match), and terrific patterns.
Posted by: Patty F. | August 29, 2012 at 07:40 AM
I, too, am a Lisa Bonjean fan and have bought MANY items from her. I love wool projects and have a lot to do yet. You will love it.
Posted by: Elaine S. | August 29, 2012 at 08:53 AM
I'm afraid to enter the wool zone. I love it but the $$ and a whole new stash? I just don't have the room/$$ but it's lovely. Maybe a kit will be in my future. Love all the patterns you are making, super cute.
Posted by: Sharon | August 29, 2012 at 09:08 AM
Thanks for sharing about wool workings! I have never considered it, but it does look like fun! I am a cheapskate...would probably just use the felt from the dime store! Of course, it would never have the class and distinction of original felted creations!
Posted by: Julie in WA | August 29, 2012 at 09:25 AM
Must. look. away. Your projects are sooo tempting!! I do have a wool project in progress. Just moved to a new office and have to perfect space on my wall waiting to be warmed up by the wool/cotton quilt. I will quickly pull that out so I don't get all excited and start new wool projects.
Posted by: Taryn | August 29, 2012 at 09:57 AM
You were wondering about April cornell. Check out apparently she has become quite the thing in decorating.
Posted by: Gloria | August 29, 2012 at 11:22 AM
That kitty pulling the pumpkin is to DIE FOR!!! I love the vintage look! ;p
Yep, wool is expensive but there are some more 'affordable' places to buy. Heavens To Betsy (online) has beautiful wool. ;p
Posted by: ina | August 29, 2012 at 11:31 AM
Here is another website "Home of Wool Felt Central.
It has everything you should need and the prices are very reasonable also. I've been very pleased with everything I've purchased there.
Posted by: Deb W. | August 29, 2012 at 02:59 PM
Love your project! Is that Boo Kitty? I thought there was a fabric line with him a few years ago and love him! Can't wait to see all your new projects :)
Posted by: Anita | August 29, 2012 at 03:21 PM
Thank you for sharing your experience with wool. The quilt with the beehive is amazing!!
I am resisting list of WIPs in cotton fabric is far too long already!!!! Lol
Posted by: Miriam | August 29, 2012 at 05:29 PM
Your project is amazing! I thought of trying it, too, but like you, didn't like the idea of having to spend so much to get started. And if it turned out to be like the rest of my "obsessions," I would run out of money quickly. :-) I've seen blog posts from someone discussing how to felt your own wool from garments picked up at thrift stores. If I can remember where I saw it, I'll let you know.
Posted by: Kim | August 29, 2012 at 06:05 PM
Hooray! A convert! Working with wool has to be the most relaxing experience. Your gonna love every step!
Posted by: Anne | August 31, 2012 at 10:36 AM
I, too, have been loving wool applique and slowly acquiring bits and pieces of the gold myself! LOL.... I save the teensiest left overs also! Do you pin and stitch or do you glue down your pieces and let it dry before you stitch?
Posted by: Bari Jo | August 31, 2012 at 10:40 AM