I am still savoring Fall. Enjoying the changing colors, the falling leaves, my pretty autumnal decorations.
The rest of the family? They want the Christmas tree up, the sooner the better. I am holding out until after Thanksgiving, but I may have to give something up. My daughter wants a tree on the front porch, complete with multi colored lights. That may happen the week before Thanksgiving. Oh dear, this just seems so wrong, but I am out numbered here.
But I have to say, how cute are those mugs? We ordered four of the regular sized mugs and if you look at the little snow man mug on the right, you can see it is half the size of the others. Eva's very own little snowman cocoa mug, just her size. Adorable, no? We got them through Sur La Table--you can get some too if you go to their website.
I put dibs on the plaid one, Sara has claimed the candy cane stripe, and of course Eva has the mini snow man. That leaves the big snow man and the snow flake mug for any of you who might like to come on over and have a cup of cocoa with us...How about it? How fun would that be if we could get together for some holiday cheer!
I do love Fall, but I have to say, I may just be getting into the mood for some Christmas! Did I mention Ahren and Mary Ann are coming home from Ireland for the holidays? Can you see me floating about three feet off the floor? I am just a little bit excited about the holidays this year.
Sounds like Ahren and Mary Ann will get the leftover mugs! Glad you will have them for Christmas. Always nice to have all the family together, isn't it.
Posted by: Mary | November 12, 2014 at 04:30 AM
Very cute mugs and love Eva's smaller one! Where did the rest of the year go....seems like we just put this stuff away :(((((
Posted by: gailss1 | November 12, 2014 at 05:29 AM
WaaHooooooo! Ahren and Mary Ann's presence will make the holidays brighter, indeed! Joy, joy, joy!!!
I LOVE Christmas mugs and the delight they add to the holidays. I have plenty and get to add AMIL's Christmas mugs to our mix this year. Although your new mugs are wonderful and I adore the plaid mug, I won't be ordering any... but I may go to the on-line shop to look ...!
This week I'm making the two Christmas table runners that are to be gifts and feel I'm ahead of the game. Of course, 4 bindings await me so AMIL's gift projects are finished, but those are not for Christmas.
Posted by: Barbara Anne | November 12, 2014 at 06:08 AM
Love Eva's sized one! PERFECT!!!!!
Posted by: Mary Flynn | November 12, 2014 at 06:14 AM
I'd be so excited that I'd be decorating for Christmas NOW in an effort to get it here sooner ... Ha!
Those are adorable mugs! I love that little one ... so cute!
Posted by: Kathy | November 12, 2014 at 06:15 AM
Oh how happy for you Nicole. It's been a while and Ahren and Mary Ann will complete your Christmas picture. I will enjoy thinking of the happy memories you will be creating, as we go about creating our own. The cups are darling. Don't we all have our special things that mean Christmas to each of us.
Posted by: Stephani in N. TX | November 12, 2014 at 06:29 AM
No "uh oh" needed! If the stores are any indicator, you're already months behind getting ready for Christmas!!!! And, what wonderful news that Ahren & Mary Ann will be with you this year! Of course you're floating on air!
Posted by: Jan | November 12, 2014 at 06:31 AM
How wonderful to have your children all home for Christmas! That means so much to us as mothers.
Love the cups. I always forget about Sur La Table. I'm visiting their site in the next few minutes.
Thanks as always for sharing.
Posted by: pam Hansen | November 12, 2014 at 06:39 AM
I agree with your "uh, oh". Way too early to put up the tree and decorations. But it is okay to start being excited!
Posted by: Debbie R. | November 12, 2014 at 08:09 AM
awesome! i'm with sara...put a tree on the porch! you;ll enjoy seeing it every time you pull up. ;p
Posted by: ina | November 12, 2014 at 09:07 AM
I am so happy to see the holiday mugs! I have been thinking about Christmas myself! I usually don't jump the gun like that... but I need a little Christmas, right this very minute! (wink)
Posted by: Sinta | November 12, 2014 at 10:52 AM
Love the mini Eva mug! I need to get one for my granddaughter, she loves her cocoa. Great to hear Ahren and Mary are coming for Christmas, holidays always seem more special with loved ones around. Oh and I'll be right over for coffee, just say when :)
Posted by: Anita | November 12, 2014 at 11:48 AM
So happy for you that Ahren en Mary Ann are coming for Christmas! I am not in the Christmas mood at all, or in the St. Nicholas mood for that matter. (St. Nicholas' Eve is a big, big holiday here in the Netherlands - even bigger than Christmas.)
I love the idea of a tree on the porch, it might just be what is needed to get in the mood. ;-)
Posted by: Edith | November 13, 2014 at 02:23 AM
How wonderful that Ahren and MaryAnn can visit during Christmas! They can get reacquainted with Eva, and she with her dear "Brobo" or whatever that nickname was! LOL :)
I love Christmas too, but agree that it is just a tad early for the decorations.
Posted by: sillysally | November 13, 2014 at 07:36 AM
I love Christmas mugs too! How cute the little one is. My husband doesn't like any decorations up until December 1st and I have to agree I want to get every minute out of fall :). How wonderful to have such precious family times for the holidays.
Posted by: AnnieO | November 15, 2014 at 02:25 PM
I just put our tree up this weekend, or my kids did. Any earlier and I think it takes too long for Christmas to come for the kids.
Posted by: Sarah | December 02, 2014 at 03:28 AM