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July 05, 2018



I've bought a journal and started to Bullet Journal and then summer happened. I'm babysitting my 7 year old Grandson full time this summer as well as trying to finish my studio and finish the inside of my house (new house, new studio, too much work). I need to go find that journal and start back again.

Mary Kastner

I calendar everything and it is usually a big fat confusing mess. I think I need to expand my horizons on this method. It works and keeps my on track but it certainly doesn't sound as organized as your journal. Thanks for all the details.Nicole.


Barbara Anne

Interesting! I used to use a Daytimer, but mine was small and not so useful. This sounds helpful! Thank you!



Your journal looks very efficient & helpful when recall is needed! I use a Daytimer to keep track of appointments, birthdays & anniversaries, social plans & things that need to be referred back to at some point. I also keep a monthly calendar up to date for my husband's use & notations. Nothing fancy; just reminders for quick reference. I generally read using my Kindle which keeps a list for me!

Annie O

I was so excited when I learned about Bullet Journaling. I’d admired planners before but felt a lot of the features I would never use. I’m still spotty about using the Bullet Journal, but don’t feel I’ve wasted any money on a yearly planner where pages empty make me feel guilty! Having a better grip on what’s coming up in the week, month and year is helpful. I’m sure I’ll continue to add pages and work on actually completing tasks I’ve set!

Rebecca Ball

My daughter is a big fan of bullet journaling. I feel good if I enter most of my stuff in my computer calendar.

I do often look up the books you review and read them if they are available as an eBook from the library. We must have similar tastes as I often enjoy the same books you have enjoyed. Thanks for posting your reviews. I may have to start a Books Read list like you have. Amazon only keeps the ones I read as an eBook, not the few I check out from the library. Thanks for blogging. I do read you everyday although I don't often comment. I'm watching you blue stars with interest.


I love your journal and it's on my list for next year. I love the books by Leuchtturm it's a German brand and widely available here.


I have a calendar for appointments, a journal for books I've read and want to read, a to do list for life, and a to do list for my sewing room. I just bought a Panda Planner and hope to combine all these things in to one. It is also a gratitude journal and will supposedly make me more productive, look out world ! hahaha. Thanks for the link to your Goodreads page, I"m in total agreement with your rating system. I'm finishing The Seamstress today and need a new read, perfect timing.

Ranch Wife

Are you a fan of The Modern Mrs. Darcy? I love her weekly podcast and I get her daily emails about Kindle deals, but I am not a member of her book club. Still, my list of books to read has gotten exponentially longer since I've started following her. She is a fan of bullet journaling which is where I first heard of it.

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