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March 11, 2021



I have to say that I’m amazed when I see people cutting out an entire quilt top without making a block. If there’s an error, you are So out of luck. There is a certain designer who writes amazing patterns, but makes multiple corrections......makes me very hesitant to use her patterns. Hope you have enough fabric to finish.

T Holzer

Beautiful, Nicole! I'll say that I started a new pattern two days ago and I looked on her correction page and it was mind boggling! Pages of corrections! I felt like you and don't they test before releasing? And I paid $40 for my pattern. But, I'll probably keep on sewing and buying buggered up patterns lol!! Have a great day, Nicole.

Debbie R.

Fabulous blocks. This is going to be a beautiful quilt!

Patti McConnell

I am also making a smaller quilt out of 12 inch finished blocks and have been using random blocks I find. I would love the dimensions for the first pattern of you would care to share those!

Dona Zarosinski

Wow! Your design wall is amazing with all those blocks! My sister and I did the Spring Flowers from Moda and we were also frustrated with some cutting instructions. Every week I made a little kit of each new block and mailed it to my mom so we all had fun together apart!


I wonder what's going on at Moda? Someone has dropped the ball on this sew along! I understand that everyone can make a mistake but, echoing above comments, they should have done at least a couple of test quilts before offering it to the public! It looks like you're making lemonade from those lemons, though! 🍋 It's going to be a beautiful quilt! Stay well!


Lovely blocks all!! Well worth the frustration - that is going to be a gorgeous quilt once it is finished - love your fabrics.

Mary Kastner

Your blocks are so pretty! Thanks for the "fair warning" on the instructions.



amazing! that is going to be a gorgeous quilt!


Wow, you made some very pretty blocks. Now, how about re-making each one in 3" size? LOL, just kidding! But you need to get this quilt put together soon so you can re-claim your design wall for your other projects.

Susan Salo

I was doing the Moda Bakeshop pattern Winter Frost in December and I found many many errors and also wasted fabric! I will probably work on it more in the fall, but do a lot of substitution or re-making. Not fun.

Sandy Carlson

Wow, Overfull design wall perhaps, but what a glorious quilt that is going to be! I love the extra blocks you chose to fill out the Block Heads. While the blocks were being presented, I wondered how some, like the hearts, that are so recognizable, would look mixed with traditional blocks. But I like your thought on it giving the eye the familiar to rest on, like the cherries. This will be a wonderful quilt.

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