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August 23, 2021


sue s

Well, at least your dad is willing to eat "healthy" food, and you can both enjoy a good cookie too!

Robby H.

I cook a lot for older folks and as their appetite diminishes, I find they love a plate with small sample-ish portions of several things. It's hard to get variety if you're not eating much. Looks like you found a great solution with taking advantage of all the fresh produce.

Also, I think peaches are very water sensitive and if they get far too much or too little at certain times it seems to impact them more than many other fruits and veggies. Maybe because they're soft fleshed?


That is my kind of cooking but if someone else cooks, I can eat most anything. I wondered about peaches too. I’ve heard California peaches are the best, but others say Alberta, or Georgia, or Colorado. I buy two at a time and haven’t had any really good this year.

Cheree Hull

I agree on the peaches! We have a tree but late freezes the last 2 years have left us wanting--I order a box of CO peaches (they come close to homegrown ones at least) when that happens.


That healthy cold plate was a smart idea not only because of your dad's small appetite, but also for such hot weather. We haven't bought any peaches yet although the ones we get are from Colorado & are usually just right. 🍑 Have a good week!

Mary Kastner

It looks good to me. Maybe this is the answer to getting him eating? Little bites - not so overwhelming?
HAve a great week!


excellent idea on the meal. maybe gazpacho soup? I would add a slice of sourdough bread. Whole Foods has excellent fresh bread. I love sourdough. we buy a loaf every week. ;p

Too bad your dad didn't share any memories of Grandma Tillie and her 'friend' Mac......

stay safe and try to stay cool.


South Carolina peaches are the best when in season. The season is a long one, from July through all of August and a bit of Sept.

Cristina Perez

Laughing at that last line!!! Funny.

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