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February 22, 2022



Who knows - Christian cowboys may have more power and excitement in a little church than all the massive cathedrals in existance!


We have two local "Cowboy Church" fellowships, one of which meets in our church building on Saturdays when we aren't using the building. I still don't know what makes it "cowboy," but there are a lot of ranchers that attend.


We also have a Cowboy church in my area of MO. I have friends who go there and they definitely are not cowboys.. but may be looking for one!
Women folk.


Christian Cowboys still meet. There is more info about them here.....

Peggie Riccio

Nicole-Wow, sounds like an adventure for you and Eva. Did you go and investigate before your daughter arrived? Maybe you could investigate the group on the web, or see what others in this blog have to say and try to learn more. Maybe the next time you pick up Eva, and things were appropriate for Eva to Know, you would have a 'live, educational moment' right on the spot. I can see your wheels turning now....Eva would be thrilled for a learning adventure, and we sure would like to hear, too! I'm way over cross-country in New Hampshire. I have never heard of this group. They sound like good people. Thanks for sharing!


Your amaryllis are such a beautiful red! There is at least one Cowboy Christian Church in our Wyoming community. We have a lot of cowboys & cowgirls in town for the nightly rodeo from June until Labor Day, but it seems to be a busy place all year round. We also have an outdoor chapel with amphitheater seating in the mountains on the road to Yellowstone that is popular on Sundays during summer months with both locals & visitors alike. Have a good rest of your week!


nearby hazelwood, mo. has a biker (motorcycle) church.
im told that they have a great service and really draw a crowd


I've driven through that town yrs ago on the way to somewhere. I thought it looked charming but very rugged. You would have to be very independent to handle the winters there.

Debby Maples

Thanks for reminding about the cats cradle ruler I have had for a while. I tried it over the weekend and love it. I also use Little House Pins. My favorite. Your mystery quilt is gorgeous. There is nothing like finishing an old ufo.


Living in Florida- I have not heard about the Cowboy Christian Church. Interesting what you see when you visit different places! Your amaryllis is beautiful!

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