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July 21, 2022



I switched to Feedly years ago and have never had a problem.

Lisa D.

I use Feedly, but you're right - there is a limit to how many blogs you can follow for free.


I am so disgusted with Bloglovin. I have removed their buttons from my blog which isn't a solution but it might prevent newer readers from not getting what they thought they would. I have started using Feedly to follow blogs. Not sure there is anything else out there after searching. I agree - SO frustrating!


I hope you find a solution, although I don't use anything to find what I want to read except sidebars from a couple of blogs. I'm sure it's extra frustrating for you because that's time you could be spending at your sewing machine!


also had problems as a reader. tried so many "fixes" that don't work. your advise to subscribe directly seems to be the only answer i have found that works :)


I don't have a blog myself but unless I subscribe directly, I have found that the Bloglovin email notifications doesn't always forward the latest news. I've also found "this page does not exist" or the try later because we are busy notices when I try to read the blog. Your notification comes direct to my email and not in a group form, thankfully.


I use Feedly and ‘follow’ hundreds of blogs. I made 3 different categories to be able to accomplish this. Ex, quilting, quilt- with different blogs in each category. My Feedly account is 10 years old, maybe they do it differently now….


I switched to Feedly when Blogger no longer let you subscribe to feeds and have hundreds of blogs I follow for free. Not sure when they started charging, maybe I was grandfathered in? So glad I joined ot then!


I've been using Feedly since Blogger discontinued it's feed a number of years ago. I've been mostly satisfied. The writing always shows up and the photos usually do (but not always). It's an easy click to go directly to the blog to see photos and leave a comment.
I know there are other similar readers around but haven't searched them out.


My favorite part of Bloglovin is getting blog entries from as far back as 2013 in my feed. Surely they could find entries that are a big more contemporary!


I use Feedly and can follow more blogs than I can actually keep up with. Like upwards of 100 (some post infrequently).


I use feedly and follow over 100 blogs without issue. I do have different categories to put them in but don't know if that makes a difference. I am still able to add and remove blog entries as I wish so could not tell you if there is a magic number.

exuberantcolor/Wanda Hanson

I found one called "The Old Reader" and I'm using the free version. So far I like it ok.

Nancy Sumner

I too have been frustrated with Bloglovin. I would love to know what the problem is but like you there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to the stoppage. I know it is up for a few days and then down for a week or so. I am using feedly but I can’t figure out how to find some of the blogs I used to follow on bloglovin.


Oh my. I am really behind the times. This is the only blog I consistently follow so I just check daily.

Debbie Martin

Thanks I’ve been keeping up other ways as I enjoy you blog so much. Thought it was something I was doing


I use Feedly. Moved over when the other reader was retired so I have hundreds of blogs in my roll. I've not been charged a fee.

Karen Likens

I keep track of my blogs and IG accounts by using the Bookmark Manager on the computer. I bookmark the sites I want to keep following and them to a file under Bookmarks called "Instagram 2022". All I have to do is open the Bookmark Manager and go the "Instagram 2022" and there they all are.

Karen Likens them...


I follow you on Feedly


I have discovered that tapping the picture next to the blog works in bringing up the text.


thank you so much for taking care of this for me!

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