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April 25, 2023



Congrats on finishing the flying geese! Your quilt looks great!
My sister joined WW in Florida with a friend who asked her to go to the meetings with her pre-COVID. They like the recipes & the app for tracking points. She occasionally sends me recipes that are very tasty & hard to believe they're 'diet' foods! I think she's been following WW for about 5 years & continues to keep the weight off!


Thanks for your WW story; I may give it a try as I put on a few pounds over the holidays, mostly because I have a sweet tooth and the stuff was around so I ate it. Just not having it around has not caused the pounds to fall off, I need to make more effort. I did WW to lose the post-baby weight but that was 28 years ago and I bet it has changed lots.

Like you, I have been working on some UFOs. I have been slow to complete any because I'm working on 3 projects simultaneously but am getting there on two of them. The third will be a long term project I think. And I'm still pondering what to start next.


I also am a Weight Watcher! I really love the app, it’s so easy to use, especially since the phone is always with me!

I have not tried any of the recipes but I will check them out.

Great job on losing 10 pounds in a month!

T. Duncan

I enjoy you blog and love seeing your quilts. I’m also very sorry regarding the loss of your precious dog. I’m a Weight Watcher lifetime member. I don’t care for change but the weight watcher plan always works when we work the plan! Overall , I do love their program… and the meetings too for accountability.


new recipes always inspire me...I get tired of eating/making the same old dishes. my husband could eat the same thing week after week after week...

none of my business but has your husband lost weight too? men lose it so easily.

I'm sorry you're still dealing with the bumps and bruises of losing your dad. when all else fails, watch a good movie/show and escape for the day.

Jane Eilderts

I am a Weight Watcher and had been working for them as a sub host up until the end of March. Sadly-eight of us working in my area and only 2 left! I was ok with it though as I have a lot of my plate. I love the program and pretty much use for my recipes. So many good ones! Good luck!


I'm a Lifetime member with WW, and I love it - especially when I stick to it. My studio was closed at the start of the pandemic. Fortunately for me, being Lifetime, WW covers the cost of my participation in the program until my studio opens up again. Congratulations on your success! WW is rated as the best program for losing weight, and I totally agree.

Sue Slater

I am late to the party and you may never see my comment because I am writing on May 20. However, I wanted to share my WW experience. I have been "working the program" for many years and in 21-22 was able to take off 30 of my total 50lb loss (I need to lose much more but I can feel proud of what I have done) I quit the app and then rejoin when there is a good deal. In December 22, I rejoined because they were giving out some free goodies when joining. Alas, the program changed in Jan. 23 and I have not been as successful on the new program. Maybe you will inspire me to get back on track. I do believe it is the best program around.

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