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August 29, 2023




Dona Zarosinski

Sew many finishes! You are inspiring me to finish my own UFOs. Have you tried the binding that doesn’t show on the front? Might be great for this quilt…focus on the blocks as you say, and not the binding. Quilt Roadies Anna Bates has a video on YouTube. A contemporary finish.

Dona Zarosinski

It’s called a facing binding…


Hooray for another finish! I like that background fabric a lot! The blocks are interesting on their own, so I agree a simple setting is a wise choice. I'm off to watch that facing binding video mentioned by Dona!

Debbie R.

Beautiful! The blocks shine!


Bravo!! I've enjoyed your thought process for completing your quilt. The final product is

Lisa D.

I think your simplified setting enhances the blocks beautifully. Great choice!


The quilt setting really does let the blocks shine. Thank you for sharing your thought process on the setting. Who is manufacturer/designer of cream background fabric? Thank you.

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