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February 05, 2024


Pamela dempsey

Your posies are very cute ☺️! I tried a new recipe yesterday and it was so delicious! Just called hamburger and potatoes but it needs a better name. It also had mushrooms, onion spinach,greuyere cheese. The cheese was hard to find, so yummy!


Good morning. We are getting hit pretty good with the rain as well here in Southern California. But we always need the rain, don't we?! I'm working on two quilts and for the first time I have thoroughly starched all the fabric. Have you ever had a problem with leftover starched fabric sitting for a while. I read an article that stated they would become brittle and attract silverfish. And do you wash your quilts since all the fabric was starched beforehand? Any thoughts would be much appreciated.


Your posies are adorable! I sometimes work on like-blocks assembly line style. It feels more productive for some reason! Have a great week & I hope your mail delivery arrives quickly!


I tried a couple of new recipes this weekend plus old tried and true. we had small group of friends for dinner on Saturday. yep, I did what you're not supposed to do: new recipes on company. I have no regrets.

it was so nice to have company but we were both so pooped on Sunday. we did nothing on Sunday but take turns getting soaked walking the dog in the rain. he doesn't care that it is pouring. he demands his 3 walks a day. ;p

those posies really are adorable! can't wait to see them added to the quilt.


Your blocks look fabulous! Glad you’re staying dry and no tree casualties! It sure has been scary listening to that wind howl and wondering if my poor plants will drown. Can’t wait to see the rest of your progress


Thank you for recommending Mandy in the Making. I've watched a couple of her videos and imagine continuing to see more in the next few days/weeks. They ARE an adorable couple and the food looks interesting and delicious.

Jennifer in Indy

Your posies look great and that recipe sounds so good - going to check it out!

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