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June 21, 2024


Nancy B

Wow Nicole! Thanks for the update! You came within a hair's breadth away from disaster and heartache. I was wondering what had happened. I'm so glad your community didn't suffer any more loss. There are good people in this life if only we would focus on their thoughtful deeds and not the negative drama that gets so much attention.


These fires are so frightening. I'm in Oregon, and we had fires yesterday threatening homes and lives. I'm afraid we have arson here quite often in addition to wildfires, and the results have been devastating.
I'm so happy to hear you are safe.


I'm so glad your community and you are safe. Wildfires are so scary. We lived in the San Bernardino mountains for eighteen years so I know what you're going through. The helpers are wonderful.

Kerry L

Glad you are safe Nicole and that your community remains somewhat unscathed! I hope you receive some rain soon! Wonderful that you had so many firefighters and volunteers contributing! Take care!


Thank you for the update. It sounds as if almost everything came through without very much damage. It's heartening to know that community members unselfishly volunteered their help! After a large wildland fire near us many spray-painted plywood signs popped up showing appreciation to all of the helpers. They are truly heroes!


Glad you are safe.
Were you able to save anything in the freezer?


Glad to hear that the fire was managed without extensive damage. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have to evacuate an area. Praying for lots of rain to ease the threat of fires. Take care.


I am so glad there wasn't much damage. It is so heartwarming to hear about the community coming together. And we can't thank our fire fighters enough.


these firefighters deserve a lot more from us. it is so dangerous and detrimental to their health. I'm so glad you are all safe. any news on the freezer? fingers crossed for you.


We will certainly pray for all of you!

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