Who can resist this face? Archie seems kind of chilly since his haircut Monday, so we put a sweater on him. At first, he wanted to eat it but has thankfully given up that notion. I laugh every time I look at him with those fuzzy floppy ears. He is adorable. You can probably tell he is wishing I'd let him in the house.
Eva's ornament gifts have turned out super cute. All I did was glue the felt backing on each one, and frankly, I made kind of a mess of it. My glue gun is absolutely worthless and is going in the trash as soon as it cools down. The glue doesn't even feed through it. I have to push the glue stick through with a spare finger while also pressing the trigger and guiding it around what I am trying to glue. It is so frustrating to use it.
Seriously, that is just a mess. There was no control at all. Does anyone have a link or the name of a glue gun that actually works reliably? I'd love to know.
My Instant Pot and cookbooks by Jeffrey Eisner are keeping me sane these days. If you use your Instant Pot regularly, you must try his cookbooks. Aside from a tendency to put a package of Boursin cheese in every dish (optional), his recipes are delicious. The Boursin is good in some of them too, you just need to use your judgment. I'm writing this on Tuesday afternoon and plan to make his Tortellini Soup for dinner. With no Boursin.
In other news, I am on a new diet. It is called the Chardonnay and Christmas Cookie Diet. Every time I pass by the tin of cookies my sister Kate gave me I have one. Or two. We shall see how that serves me.