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June 23, 2009



I didn't read all the comments so I didn't know we were off on a glittery topic.

I liked how your wrapped this up and agree with everything including this: "However, if you are a skilled sewer, and the error is minor, it is absolutely possible to make allowances in the seams and make the block come out more square than not."

It's great how you come across things like this that encourage people to talk. This was a great topic for Fudgers and Non-Fudgers alike. I would now like some fudge - small piece - with my coffee! :)


i love it!!! use it! there are no quilt police!

Dee Sharon

I have been sewing for years and years. There was a time I would rip and resew because I just had to have a quilt just so perfect, points, corners, etc. Today, I have come to realize that I still want my quilts perfect, but time is precious and too short to worry if someone might comment on it. These are for me anyway and I am my own worst critic. So, if it is not perfect, let it be. I can go on to another project. Time waits for no one.


I think it looks just fine...and once it's quilted no one will ever know it's a bit wonky.


My Motto: Perfection stops Progress. If this block will ruin your quilt don't use it. If only you will notice the imperfection then use it. Great quilters always fudge once in a while.

Charlene, San Marcos, TX

I read somewhere that Alfred Hitchcock had a sign in his office that said "It's ONLY a movie." So, as with a quilt that I've agonized over for a couple weeks, I reminded myself...."it's ONLY a quilt."


Nicole, I think the block turned out perfectly and it looks like when you trim and square it up you will have near perfect seam allowances around the edges. Way to go!!! I couldn't tell which of the flying geese was the one you had to Fudge on. See, we can Fudge and still make great, square blocks. Ahhhhh, the joys of knowing how to "work things out" instead of taking out stitches.


Did someone say fudge!?!

Christine Thomas

Great subject, Nicole. Me, I would probably have ripped and resewn or made a new piece all together. is another take: Unless it is going up for judging, I'm not nearly as perfectionisto as I thought I wanted to be. I am quilting for my grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. What I mean by that is this: I would TREASURE a quilt by my grandmother or great-grandmother however imperfect it was. My grands and greats will feel the same's NOT a show quilt for them. It will be something I made with my own two hands. Think about quilts handed down the generations...we don't criticize them for their imperfections; we look at the tiny hand-made stitches, the fact they made such consistent sizes of pieces cut by hand (and probably from cardboard templates), use of color, etc. I usually run my hand over an imperfect spot and feel the love that went into the quilt.

And here's another thought: I know where my mistakes are and I usually point the major ones out. Why??? People tell me don't do that. I don't want to show my quilts to other quilters and have you or them think that I think this is wonderful or perfect. (Of course, this is dependent on circumstances and knowledge. Some people don't know which end of the needle to stick in the fabric. I don't tell them. :) )

Thanks for the intriguing questions and thought-provoking sentiments.


I'm for going the easiest route as long as it does not undermine the integrity of the block. I think you fixed it just fine. But I would have to redo those two points in which the lettering on the fabric is going in a different direction than the others. That would bother me too much to leave it that way.

Susan Ramey Cleveland

I guess fudging has its limits, but if it's something that isn't going to show, why make extra work and worry for yourself?


Oh my goodness, if I didn't fudge a little here and there I would never get a quilt done! If a seam is nagging at me after a day or two I will definitely try again, but otherwise I just pull or squoosh or cut as needed!
Thanks for your thoughts,pictures,and encouragement!


Wow...this is a hot topic! I do both, so I'm a fudger and a non-fudger...depending on the situation! But I have noticed that I fudge less since I started blogging...I always think, "What if someone clicks on the picture and sees this..." So I've been doing more re-do's than ever lately!


I will sometimes use those "fudged" blocks on the back of the quilt or perhaps incorporate it in the label. Such a shame to throw away good fabric! ; )

Lisa D.

I sure could go for a piece of my Grandma's fudge.....


Good advice. There are times and moods when we fudge, and times and moods when we want it perfect.


What an interesting post, I liked reading through everybody’s responses. I usually am a fudger. However, on triangle blocks I try to be more careful, because I’ve really messed up some blocks due to “fudging” way too much. I try harder now to do it right than I did in the past. This got me thinking!


Agreed, there is a time to re-do a block, but there are also times when it's OK to fudge a little. I've done it and been happy with the result. But like you said, it depends on how "off" the block is, and how you will feel about the final product.


LOTS of good comments here and on Carrie's site! I completely go with doing what makes you feel comfortable! I'm not into show and tell at guild meetings, but I enjoy seeing other peoples' work! I will display quilts at the local quilt show, but no judging for me!! No competition and no quilt police, please!!

Kate quilts...

LOL. Who knew a flying geese unit could cause such a kerfuffle?


I love your work and your blog. And a wonky block or two has seen each of our sewing tables. . .guaranteed. What we individually choose to do with them, may vary project to project. The important thing is to keep quilting, enjoy your hobby and not let it be stressful~ what fun is that? Heck, I just made a whole quilt with wonky stars, on purpose! Hugs!!!!!


I have heard that the Amish call these imperfect blocks humility blocks and still incorporate them in their quilts something about it keeps them humble.


Check out Ricky Timms one seam flying geese tutorial........amazing

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